Isn't "Aide Afrique" the front group for the French Watchtower branch office? And wasn't that the group that was using United Nations transport to deliver humanitarian aid to a location in Africa which aid was only for Jehovah's witnesses? Seems that a false pretense was in play.
So what is the truth about the Haitian witnesses in the Dominican Republic? Were they caring for anybody other than Fellow Witnesses? "Love your enemies." The pagans love their own - so what is special about JWs loving their own? The JWs weren't in a Catholic Hospital by any chance, were they?
Oh, bloodless surgery. A technological feat where only 6 of the major fractions of whole blood are allowed to be transfused into a JW. The Watchtower allows fractions of blood but do any Jehovah Witnesses donate their own blood to be fractioned at a blood bank? Or do they just take?
You wrote, "everybody in the wards wants to become a witness. They will tell the brothers, “I used to study...” or “My uncle is a witness...” anything to get their attention."
What actually seems to be happening is the unattended people wanted attention period, which those JWs care team members did or did not provide? Is it fair to say the JW's on those care teams give assistance to as many Jehovah's Witnesses as possible but few if any Catholics, Protestants, VooDoo witches and other refugees?
I am not impressed and to be honest, I think the story is likely embellished a bit. Is it? IF the reporter did embellish this story, is he proud of the deceit he is propagating? OR is this another case of the ends of promoting the Watchtower justify the means of using dishonesty such as they use to disprove the tri-une god, deity of Jesus Christ, hell as a real place, the literal destruction of the Earth by fire retold by St. Peter. Josephus explained that the prophecy of Earth's destruction by Fire and Flood came from Seth. You can read that in Antiquities of the Jews in the first few paragraphs. So what does the Watchtower think they will do in that thousand years? To a Hebrew heaven is the space the birds fly in. Read Genesis to see that. The Earth is just that. Noah's flood destroyed both, leaving both in a ruined state to this day. The destruction of Earth by Fire will remelt our planet so that it can be reformed. A New Earth with a New Atmosphere (heavens). If a JW argues against that, ask if Hawaii looks all that bad. Hawaii was ALL molten rock in the recent past.
The Watchtower is not a thinking man's religion and its run by Free-Masons and the Illuminati to "prove the Free-Masonry of the Bible" - Charles Taze Russell.
I was a JW for 45 years and I'll remain a Baptist. I have a much better life and actual Bible study with no agenda except learning the Bible.
I'll still pray for you and the reporter but you all must reconsider relying on works to earn salvation. What does the Watchtower think can actually add anything to the value of Jesus Christ's blood? We are only asked to have faith that Jesus paid the price in full and we are to be thankful and care for all our fellow men which is the actual meaning of The story of The Sheep and The Goats in Matthew 25. Read it word for word, The Lord said plainly what he expected. He meant what he said the way he said it, he had no deceit in his words, take care of the physical and emotional needs of other fellow Human Beings.
Christ died not for our sins only but for the sins of all the world.