Welcome IWonder, I too was a long time lurker just joined.
Firstly don't give up on your husband. My wife knew of some of my issues for years, we very rarely spoke about them (only if she brougt things up) and I would always avoid an argument. It was a long term exit plan to. In fact after she came out I showed her, in an old diary, my goals. One of them read "Allow xxxxx to see the truth about "the truth". She couldn't believe it!
She thoroughly believed the truth even when she saw all the flaws.
Don't feel bad about going on the ministry if you have to let people take responsibility for themselves. You have to focus on your mission which, I guess would be to get out with hubby and without losing family.
I would work on a weekend (sorry, but it is an important contract etc.). I would "go out" during the week and report time and magazines. Once your hours have dropped, which it seems they are, you will be (probably are) labled as "weak". That is good because then not too much will be expected of you. The elder is just doing his job in trying to get you to go out with the group. He won't actually expect you to go out. IMO
Anyway, call in when you can and let us know how things go. But remember it could be a long process and "keep your eyes on the prize".