How about imminent?
w04 1/15 p. 13 Jehovah’s Greatness Is Unsearchable ***Anointed Christians zealously began to seek out and bring into their association these fellow worshipers from all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues. This "great crowd" will survive the imminent "great tribulation," with the prospect of eternal life in Paradise as permanent members of the "new earth."
w03 5/15 p. 24 Remain Steadfast, and Win the Race for Life ***Yes, the great day of Jehovah is imminent. However, we have nothing to fear as long as we stay close to God. If we firmly adhere to his righteous standards and remain steadfast, we can successfully run the race for life eternal!
w03 6/1 p. 16 "Do Not Be Afraid or Be Terrified" ***What an opportune time to praise Jehovah courageously! No, living in expectation of Gog’s imminent attack does not cause them to shrink back in fear.
w03 9/15 p. 25 "The Law of the Wise One"—A Source of Life ***For example, we know that God’s new world is imminent
w02 6/15 p. 7 Mankind’s Problems Soon to End! ***Yet, the most stunning step will be the imminent intervention by Christ Jesus and his associate rulers in the heavenly Kingdom government
*** w01 7/15 p. 11 Be Joyful Harvest Workers! ***Because among the blessings of Kingdom rule is the imminent end of the present wicked system.
*** w00 1/15 p. 7 God’s Prophetic Word Gives Hope for the Future ***The first was against wayward Judah and the second against oppressive Babylon. The final one, yet to be fulfilled, applies to the imminent destruction of all wicked humans
*** w00 1/15 p. 26 Cultivate Intimacy With Jehovah ***Even during the imminent great tribulation
*** w00 9/1 p. 16 Show a Waiting Attitude! ***’ God’s faithful worshipers know that Christ’s Millennial Reign is imminent
*** w99 5/1 p. 22 Be Vigilant and Be Diligent! ***. A Christian today might similarly be distracted so that he is not fully prepared for Jesus’ imminent arrival.
*** w99 8/15 p. 5 Enjoy "the Real Life" ***This will include people whom God protects through the imminent destruction of this wicked system of things.
*** w99 10/1 p. 12 "A Time for Peace" Is at Hand! ***Yet another reason why the present can be viewed as a time for war is that "the day of vengeance on the part of our God" is imminent.
*** w54 10/1 p. 581 Flee for Your Life! ***Thinking Bible students, however, see in present world conditions grave portents for the future. Accepting God’s Word as truth, a beacon light for their path, they see in it a warning of imminent death for the present chaotic system of things
*** w54 12/1 p. 734 Living Now as a New World Society ***And living as a New World society means that we are to be a happy people. Rather than introvertedly dwelling on the mistakes of the past let us take joy in the fact that the Kingdom is established, the King is present, the great ingathering is taking place and the complete vindication of Jehovah’s name is imminent.
*** w52 12/1 p. 709 Walking Blamelessly Through the Last Days ***
But now, by occurrence of every detail of the great sign Jesus gave, we know that we face the imminent end of the present world system.