She resents people refusing to answer the door when she visits them
Oh, I am ever so sorry that I don't want to answer the door to you Miss Who do you think you are
(if i knew how to link better, i might be able to do this right...).
i found this on the internet... it may be 'old news' - but it is interesting.
She resents people refusing to answer the door when she visits them
Oh, I am ever so sorry that I don't want to answer the door to you Miss Who do you think you are
for the two xmas's we have been 'out', wifey and i have celebrated christmas quietly with the grandkids and a few family.
although we have had a tree - somewhat hidden from view inside - we have not ever put a light or decoration outside.
this week i proposed to wifey that i light the large conifer in the back yard this season.
This will be our first year celebrating Christmas. Although I wasn't brought up in the "Truth" I have celebrated a few but my wife hasn't. She has already bought some decorations! Though she did it rather furtively. Not sure what exactly we will do but we have a 3 year old so it will fantastic
i just had a flash back to when we used to have to clean the kh.
each group had to take it in turn to do the cleaning.. in our group we had a bunch of lazy b*****ds, so it was left to us kids and our dad to clean the kh, bogs, etc.
even my mum used to find some excuse to duck out.. so if meetings, door knocking, studying, praying wasn't enough we also had to spend a couple of hours cleaning every month or so.
Oh no! I remember that.
We used to do it after the ministry on a Saturday. I liked to get there early to make sure the chairs weren't stacked up. Some brothers like to stack them up hoover then put the chairs out again, it would take ages. If you just hoovered round the chairs you could do the hall in no time.
I would avoid the toilets if I could. Anyway, they would be cleaned the following week by another group.
Actually, I remember when we were assigned to clean for the circuit assembly at Haysbridge. We would shut the upstairs toilets for cleaning during the final session so we wouldn't be late going home. Not a popular move, but we stuck to it for several assemblies. The tip was just make sure the taps and mirrors were shiny. It didn't matter how clean the toilets were.
i was musing about being a jw the other not scarred by it like many,i dont hate anyone in my old cong..theres a couple of idiotic elders of course,but in the main my biggest thing when i think of my past life is the farsical nonsense of it all!.
meeting attendance,knocking on doors...oh dear.. one of the stupidest things was being required to do talks.i mean,come on who really used to listen to that drivel..i mean really listen?.
i was an ok speaker,nothing briliant,competent ..even gave a pub talk once when all the elders were on a jolly up at elders school.. it occurred to me how robotic bros and sis were when it came to giving praise!no matter how crap the talk was,one would always get a "i really enjoyed your talk brother".every time.without fail.i know they were being nice,i used to say it all the time dad once said it to me and i asked him what he liked most about it?he admitted he didnt remember what it was even about.i dont remember in 30 years man and boy ever enjoying a talk.. yep,its a nonsense religion alright.full of braindead robots.. did anyone actually pay close attention and really enjoy the "food"from the platform?
We would have some good talks, especially on a thursday evening. By good I mean enjoyable, with good humour, not necessarily spiritual, if the right brothers were giving the talks. Could be very boring if it was the wrong ones, especially the last item, cause you knew they would go overtime.
I enjoyed giving talks, I gave a few Public Talks and actually I liked the compliments. As for whether they were sincere, I would say on the whole yes. Would they remember the talk, I don't think that mattered, it was whether they found the experience as a whole enjoyable. Like watching a tv program, I can laugh out loud at some programs such as "Have I got News For You" but when it comes to telling someone the funny parts I really struggle to remember.
i had a meeting with my heart surgeon yesterday, and after informing him of our faith, my wife still holding onto to parts of the organization, the dr. said that, "there is a new form that just came out last year from your mother church in new york.
" what this document does is (1) make it clear that the person is not allowing blood to be used, (2) makes it clear that the dr. will have a court order ready in case blood is deemed medically necessary to sustain life and (3) absolves the person's conscience of any guilt if it came down to it.
i'm not sure if this document has been discussed before, but i thought that it was a bit intriguing.
Can you please show me where in the bible it says some parts of blood are acceptable and some parts of blood are not.
ie where does it say haemoglobin is acceptable for a Christian but Leucocytes are not.
I am seriously interested.
i understand that they make you lethargic,inrease blood pressure and bad cholestrol... as the bible says that the body is the temple of the lord,should true christian eat ready meals?.
But think of the extra time you can save and therefore spend more doing Jehovah's will.
i can't describe what i feel, when i see my mum as a jw.
sometimes (like today) it really gets me down knowing she and millions of others are living a life that is not going anywhere.. she's been to the british musuem, i've gotten e-mails from the british musuem.
we've read literature/websites/bible e.t.c.
With my wife I played the long game and waited. I let her know what I was not happy with about the "truth". I didn't ask her to look at anything that would have put her on the defensive. She never felt I was apostate, so would "murmour " to me about things in the "truth", of course I was then able to agree with her and slip in the odd comment or two.
I kept faith that she would see through it, her meetings slipped and ministry became non-existent. And eventually she saw the light. Having said that my wife says that she wishes I had forced the issue and told her to read CofC and look at JWD etc. earlier so she could have come out sooner. But I am not sure it would have worked.
I know that our situations are a lot different. But just keep believing that one day your mum will come through. She will need a lot of help then.
Its great to know you love your mum so much, that will help a lot. Best of luck
comments you will not hear at the 09-10-06 wt study (august 1, 2006, pages 21-25)(fear god) .
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Thanks Blondie
This is the most important teaching they have.Fear of God = Fear of WTS (FDS)
70,000 people died but not David for his sin.
David= WT; People=Rank and File
in reviewing the new tract i noticed some interesting dishonesty within;
on page three when the wts is describing 'false religion' riding on the back of the scarlet colored wild beast - they coyly refer to the beast as ' the world's political powers*'
- the footnote reads " * for a detailed explanation of this subject, see the book revelation - its grand climax at hand published by jehovah's witnesses.
Actually the Governing Body are younger than I thought. And younger than most JWs would think as well
Effective September 1 st 2005 the Governing Body profile is as follows. The numbers next to the names are their ages.
John Barr - 92
Carey Barber - 100
Samuel Herd - 70
Geoffrey Jackson - 50 (new as of 8/25/05)
Theodore Jaracz - 80
Steven Lett - 56
Gerrit Lösch -63
Anthony Morris - 55 (new as of 8/25/05)
Guy Pierce - 70
Albert Schroeder - 94 (deceased 2006)
David Splane - 61
Daniel Sydlik - 86
this was such a sad exhange and just shows how unnatural this bogus rule by the wbts is.. i see my moms name on the caller id and i immediately pick up.
(keep in mind we live 2 blocks apart).
my mom says julia?, and i say no mom its me, you must have dialed the wrong number.. mom: oh, i'm sorry, how are you?
Both Mrs G and my thoughts are with you.
She does still love you I am sure.
I also agree with this:
I don't think it would take much of a loophole to get your mom back in your life and in doing so it may get her to realize what an utter shame the shunning policy is.