How sad. They tell themselves that they are happy.
or they tell themselves that they will be happy in paradise - they must be thinking that it will all be worth it.
I believe my father has wasted the best part of his life (40 years) with this religion and I resent the fact that he loves the religion more than he loves me and my brother. I imagine that we would be much closer if it had not been for this religion and that he would be the sort of devoted, loyal, committed father.
jws are living a wasteful life, they are putting things on hold because armageddon is just around the corner and there is no point living for today when they have a paradise to look forward to. What mugs, if only they knew they are wasting their lives.
I think about the young jws back in the 70s who were encouraged to pioneer and not worry about getting an education, career, pension, savings, property - what sort of situation are they in now? No provision for their retirement, no way of earning a living apart from menial jobs, no family, in rented accomodaiton and living a frugal life and still waiting for the promised armageddon, poor sods what suckers they have been and what a pointless crap life they have lived when you imagine what these people could have got out of life.