How much should a man tolerate a girlfriend or wife that is very demanding on clothes/shoes and other articles such as perfumes, handbags etc? Is there a limit to what one should spend to keep them happy beyond which it becomes a case of them taking advantage?
Spend how much for wives/girlfriends?
by greendawn 28 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, there is a limit.
It falls way short of being a burden on the budget. Other than that, it would be a personal choice how much to tolerate.
I don't think anyone should demand anything, whether they can afford it our not. Who wants to be with someone who always wants something from you and is never satasfied. If she is that demanding, she needs to get a job and pay her own way, then she can have what she wants, with her own $$$.
I believe men and women are completely equal. I pay for my wants and needs. They can do the same for themselves.
Anyone who demands gifts needs to be dumped. I'm in a relationship where we don't ever ask each other for gifts - we get them for each other because we want to.
I agree with what others have said. I think its important that people appreciate things, surprises once in a while are great, but when it becomes a demanding sort of thing, it sounds very selfish. Not good. When you have to ask about a limit, its time to question the relationship.
Life Is Grand
In our house, we both work full time and our money goes into a joint bank account-from that, the bills are paid first, and if there is something that either of us may need and there is money left over to get it, then we do so(we always discuss it first though).
But if the money isn't there-then the "non-essentials" get put on the back burner for now...they're not worth going into debt over.
Of course there should be a limit unless money is no object! How much depends on the person.
I've always worked (no freakin choice) and bought everything that I want, so I put a limit on myself.
Okay I'm with the minority here, or rather the only one who probably thinks this...........
I don't think there should be a limit. No one should be demanding things either, though. I spend my money freely on my loved ones, but I happen to be very blessed financially. But I don't expect the same thing in return. If I have it to give or spend, I usually do. BUT only on those who would appreciate it.
hmmm, the words high maintenance come to mind
I despise females who demand funds from their partner to spend on themselves, the whole thing disgusts me. How can they have any pride.
I know a sister of a friend who married her husband because he is rich and she gets everything she wants but the downside is that she has to sleep with him ("ih well, I suppose I had better go and have sex with him") - there's a name for women like that isn't there?I wouldn't expect anything from anyone and pay for everthing I need out of my own hard earned cash. If my bloke does buy things for me it is because he wants to and the gifts are entirely his choice.
Birthdays, Christmas and Valentines presents are great and it's lovely that he remembers but the best presents are the ones that he buys on the spur of the moment. I treasure these things, not because of their value but because he cared enough to make the effort and he chose the gift. Sometimes he comes home with a fleece for me because he knows I feel the cold - that just makes my day!