Why can't we wikileak a Spanish manual? There are plenty out there. If magazine circulation is any guide, there are more Spanish congos worldwide than English ones.
hola amigos.
si tiene alguna duda o pregunta sobre el tema de las transfusiones de sangre, visiten:.
Why can't we wikileak a Spanish manual? There are plenty out there. If magazine circulation is any guide, there are more Spanish congos worldwide than English ones.
talk about courage.
these people are literally risking their lives.. .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1a3j3lqhus .
There is no God but no God, and Darwin is his Messenger?
Just kidding. Great video, especially the intro that hits hard on freedom of conscience.
i present this video as a starting point to spur discussion (this is like a red dot topic.... wink wink .
I do see a problem with the feminization of men. Masculinity has diminished in recent years, and I personally see it as a problem. It's like in society's attempt to swing the pendulem away from treating women bad, it swung too far, to the point of demasculinizing young men.
i present this video as a starting point to spur discussion (this is like a red dot topic.... wink wink .
With all that being said, he IS correct that young men now have it harder. They can't skate by on the social collateral provided them by the asymmetrical power systems of the past.
I think that's bullshit. I am still young (in my mid 30s), and judging from the kind of feminine attention I receive when I'm out with male friends, I wouldn't have to chase women if I was single.
My brother is the same age as this guy, and he has no trouble either. He is in a steady relationship with a nice lady with a poli-sci degree that is working on a law degree now. He was having trouble a few years ago, because he was a whiny bitch. I got him out of my parent's house, got him a job, and now he has confidence. I told him "get out of namby pamby land, you jackwagon."
Women want a man. If you are a man and have your life in hand, and not a whiner like the guy in the video, you are fine.
If you are a LOSER, no decent woman is going to want to have anything to do with you. This is how it has always been.
If you are a man and all you want to do is play the field and get some nookie, the feminism/sexual revolution has created a happy hunting ground. The "old way" kept men under control. Women relinquished that control. Sex is as free as air, these days.
That said, the family structure has been wrecked, and there are plenty of 30 year old women with educations and good careers that are desperate to find a suitable partner.
For a single guy that isn't a LOSER, the sexual market is a big win.
And no, a single parent family is no substitute for one with two parents.
More of the middle of something already started.
Is that like Jesus Christ's "invisible presence" since 1914?
On 12/21/2012 I will wake up in the morning, take a shit, and brush my teeth.
I'll dress up, eat breakfast and drive to work.
I'll then log into JWN and look up you 2012ers and
if you've been following the "cold fusion" controversy, you may know how difficult it has been to get opponents to get their facts straight , as many of these blogs point out.
the reporting has not been fair, accurate or unbiased.. ok, so maybe "cold fusion" is entirely misleading - but clearly, something profound is happening, that the authorities are upset about.
I just picked up on a rumor that they claim to be building a 1 MW demonstration installation in Miami, Florida.
historian niall ferguson made some extended remarks recently arguing that the american empire may be closer to the edge than many suppose.. he starts out observing that while the fateful decline of american supremacy is now widely accepted, it is still generally expected that this will be a protracted process.
after all empires don't fall in a day.
rome took centuries to crumble did it not?
Go visit and listen to the native people speak.
I have, and I actually speak their language and share a common heritage, not to mention my many PR friends here.
So I don't need to "go visit" as part of a homework assignment.
Puerto Ricans have repeatedly voted against statehood by narrow margins. They have repeatedly voted to remain a commonwealth.
They like being part of the United States and the privileges that attach to it (they are all US citizens), but they also like to see their own flag fly over their island and over their Olympic athletes.
They have a win/win. I wouldn't change things either if I was Puerto Rican.
historian niall ferguson made some extended remarks recently arguing that the american empire may be closer to the edge than many suppose.. he starts out observing that while the fateful decline of american supremacy is now widely accepted, it is still generally expected that this will be a protracted process.
after all empires don't fall in a day.
rome took centuries to crumble did it not?
Debt is definitely a huge problem, hence the Tea Party.
oh al, we hardly knew ye!.
al gore: blizzard of 2011 may be so fierce because of global warmingfeb 2, 2011 3:05 pm - see: http://www.aolnews.com/2011/02/02/al-gore-blizzard-of-2011-may-be-so-fierce-because-of-global-war/?icid=main%7chtmlws-main-n%7cdl2%7csec3_lnk1%7c198858somebody put a cork in his piehole, please!.
You can't, he invented the Internet.