I present this video as a starting point to spur discussion (this is like a red dot topic.... wink wink )
Has Feminism Screwed with the current Generation ?
by caliber 60 Replies latest jw friends
I can't listen to this while at work, can you do a written summary?
He's over-thinking it, IMHO.
Just get out and meet people.
im thinking: Buh-huh.
guy in video summary of statements ...... (for miseryloveselders )
(1) the right to vote is always highlighted as positive accomplishment produced by feminism,, "equal rights "
(2) says feminism inadvertently ruined the structure for dating and family life
(3) biochemical eye picks mates... family structure has no input to help women see past to deeper things
(4) relationship isn't always perfect "the butterflies " leave..... people move on rather than dealing with real problems
" our relationship isn't perfect thereof they are not my soul mate"... and not the "right one "
(5)Prince charming may do everything you want ... but there is just no" bio-chemical high' left so it's move on
He is basically saying the whole frame work for dating has disappeared now and there is no replacement.... people are in confusion
It has been said "you marry whole family" ..while I may not agree completely with this statement.. I think it goes without saying that the more compatable the familes are , the more likely you will have a loving and lasting relationship
Band on the Run
I am a feminist and see only benefits. Dating still occurs. People date all over the place. As a feminist, I am opposed to hooking up that frequently occurs in college. There was a huge difference between college and law school. College was hooking up with no defined boundaries or understanding. The summer between college and law school must have been magical. Law school people dated. There was romance. People dated to be social but to find a partner for life, not necessarily. I felt much better dating.
The economy that has emerged does have one troubling aspect to me. When I grew up, most women could choose between working and not working but raising a family. The family lost. Two incomes are essential for almost everyone. If I had to choose between the 50s and now, I choose now.
Females and males are both humans. Stereotyping does not help. My nephew's mind is blown b/c I am an ardent feminist yet I wear feminie clothing, wear makeup and perfume. Feminism has become equated with dykey crude women. Not true. Women's groups were very precious to me to celebrate being female. I no longer view men as a father substitute to support me and provide me status. Now I see them as partners, men of character, fellow humans. I needed feminism desperately after the Witness. Without feminism, I shudder how I would have fared.
No doubt my summary is tainted by my own thoughts and viewpoints on the matter
What, if any dating protocol things are left..... is it all individual trial and error thing ?
To end with some sort of family structure would you not have to be begin with some family structure ?
Thanks Caliber.
After reading the summary, I'm under the impression feminism isn't the problem as much as he just needs to man up. He strikes me as one of those EMO dudes with a touch of bow-tie Republican in him. Think Tucker Carlson. In other words, he's soft. When relationships don't work out for him, its always everybody elses fault, never the fault of the weakling in the mirror. My experience tells me, guys like him end up involved in relationships with women who are seeking a man that acts like a man. Usually those women run all over guys like him. After the unbalanced, emotionally abusive relationship is over, the guy ends up on YouTube ranting about what feminism has done to the dating scene. All because women aren't bending over backwards for him here in the States.
My grandmother's observation is that wives today do not put up with crap from men, like they did in the past.
I think it's a good thing.
"The economy that has emerged does have one troubling aspect to me. When I grew up, most women could choose between working and not working but raising a family. The family lost. Two incomes are essential for almost everyone. "
What of this video as to the happiness of women now say , as opposed to th 50's to 70's
Can women be paralyzed and confused by endless choice as this women says in the video ?