Oh Al, we hardly knew ye!
*sigh* The heartbreak of early onset Algorezheimer's Disease.
by Nathan Natas 86 Replies latest jw friends
All it will take is one Krakatoa sized volcanic eruption to put Earth into a big chill and tip us towards the next ice age. For most of the last several million years the climate has been in continuous ice ages, interspersed with 10,000 year interglacial warm ups. We are overdue for another ice age to begin.
You can't, he invented the Internet.
Nathan, as a follow-up in my ongoing investigation if there is a climate-change denier here who can make a scientific argument without extensive copy-paste:
are you just rediculing al-gore or are you trying to make a point about the evidence for global warming?
if its just the first, then by all means, carry on. i base my conclusions on the later.
Let me explain something that seems to confuse many people (Not counting those who want to remain confused.).
The colder winters that a portion of the Earth is suffering from is being caused by the very fact that the Arctic region; Eastern Canada; Greenland; and East Siberia are up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. That warmer air is what is pushing the colder polar air towards us.
The more intense snows are caused by an increase in humidity throughout the Earth winter and summer which are the cause of more intense rains as well.
Both are caused by the effects of Global Warming. This is how:
1. The Arctic ice cap has been shrinking dramatically for the past 30 years as shown by satellite surveillance.
2. White ice reflects 80-90% of the sunlight keeping temperatures cooler than what they would otherwise be.
3. Dark blue ocean water absorbs 80% of the sunlight causing waters, that were previously ice covered, to warm up drastically (6F or more). This warm up alters the weather, not just in the immediate Arctic region, but directly south of it in the following manner.
4. The waters that were previously ice covered absorb a lot of heat in the summer and re-release it in the winter into the air.
5. Warm air rises upwards pushing the colder polar air away from it into the only direction it can go. Southwards.
6. That rising warmer air also sucks in air from the southern areas of the Northern Hemisphere which happens to be warm. Therefore, a double whammy of hot air in the Arctic region.That's why we have colder weather south of a much, much warmer Arctic.
But it's not why we have a lot of snow since winters can be dry. The reason for having more snow is even simpler.
1. Global Warming warms up the oceans.
2. Warmer water evaporates more. That is a basic law of physics with no two ways about it.
3. More humidity in the air means more intense rains, or snow.End of that discussion. Remember this post 10 years from now because it's going to get worse, summer or winter.
"All it will take is one Krakatoa sized volcanic eruption to put Earth into a big chill and tip us towards the next ice age. For most of the last several million years the climate has been in continuous ice ages, interspersed with 10,000 year interglacial warm ups. We are overdue for another ice age to begin."
So why did Krakatoa not tip us into another ice age when it erupted just 127 years ago?
You're wrong about 10,000 year interglacials, Moshe. Do your homework. The Milankovitch Cycles take a little longer than that and although coming out of ice ages is relatively fast getting into them takes quite a few thousand years.
Nathan Natas
"Jawohl, Mein Führer!" -- Dr. Strangelove (your avatar, Villabozo)
Beth Sarim ==> "House of Princes"
Villabozo ==> "House of Clowns" (and not the scary type, either)
Al Gore is so hawt!
I would love to go one of his rallys and *cuddle* up.
Thank Jehovah for Gore Tex!! (Are he and GW in this together?!)
Nathan, VIII.
Thank you for your carefully reasoned, scientifically backed response. You are the death of Western Civilization.
PS: Speaking of having a clown for an avatar...oh never mind, you have no sense of smell.
Deja vu, kindergarten all over again. Bohm, Villa, you are wasting your time with these morons.