Nellie's has the beer, right?
Yes.....yes they do! Although I've made a personal goal of trying to drink it all.
i just got back from seeing the new movie release "expelled" which is a documentary exposing the militant culture of supression regarding intelligent design in the scientific community.
in a "million years", i never would have imagined that ben stein could get the author of "the god delusion", richard dawkins to speak favorably about i.d.
(intellignet design).
Nellie's has the beer, right?
Yes.....yes they do! Although I've made a personal goal of trying to drink it all.
this is a baseball tribute thread.
please post anything and everything about baseball memories, the game, your favorite team, players opinions on the designated hitter rule.
baseball brings back the magical feelings of childhood and tagging along with my older siblings to the little league games played at the parks my mother worked when she was the art director for mobile parks and recreation.
Well as a youth I was fortunate enough to be able to play sports. Although my parents were marked for it, I'm glad they let me.
Probably my greatest memory was back in 1982 when our All-Star team was able to play on Wrigley Field. Of course at the time I was 12 and didn't really appreciate it, but now I certainly do. Looking back on that time of warm summer nights under the lights play ball is something that is truly special to me.
My son has his first game on Saturday, he played last year and is excited about this season. I know he is going to look back on these times with fond memories.
Great baseball song!
i just got back from seeing the new movie release "expelled" which is a documentary exposing the militant culture of supression regarding intelligent design in the scientific community.
in a "million years", i never would have imagined that ben stein could get the author of "the god delusion", richard dawkins to speak favorably about i.d.
(intellignet design).
So what's He saying?
She told me for you to bring beer and fine cigars when you come up!
On a serious ever wonder if all these people who claimed to talk to God weren't just mentally ill? Obviously those who wanted to manipulate the system for power and money weren't. But true believer's who hear voices.....hummmm! Today we just put them on med's.
i'm a jw in good standing and she is too.
she has had a lot of questions.
now, i feel like there is a division between us.
Has anyone met Mrs. Cognac?
Here we go!!!
he was a professional baseball player with detroit tigers and he became jw in the 80's.
i was wondering what is his status in the org?.
Originally with the White Sox's and then became a Tiger.....sorry Sox's fan here!
As for his status in the org. I would have no clue!
if it was to just have a place to live somewhere on earth untill they died, didn't many of the pagans already have this?
maybe that is why so many times they just went with the religion of their neighbours.
did they have some faith of going to heaven?
Real estate....I guess you could say he enjoyed hostle take overs!
on what basis did god so love the world?.
the world of mankind had been condemned to death by god's curse in eden!.
god viewed mankind as "dust on the scales".
If you don't play the game out... how do you know who the TRUE winner is?
Honestly, your analogy makes me sick! So all the mess we are in, is because God needs to be a winner? All the pain and suffering that has taken place over time, is because God needs to be a winner!? Explain to me how this is loving?
Your reasoning and logic are the same that men came up with thousands of years ago. It's as human then as it is now!
call him an elitist if you will, but he simply voiced an honest observation.
in rural pa, many people tend to vote based on the fear that the dems will force them to have abortions, confiscate their hunting rifles, burn their bibles, and make interracial gay marriages mandatory for their children.
economic stimulus and improved educational opportunities be damned!.
and then vote your lousy cynicism the way half of America has been voting, for corrupt morons and their evil, stupid cronies, and not pay a price both in American treasure and blood?
First off, this will be my first election that I will be voting in! So I really haven't voted 4 anyone at this moment! And for your information I won't be vote for a Republician!
As far as my cynicism u need to familiarize yourself with Illinois politics! Then you can appreciate where im coming from.
Here is one fighting to cut wasteful spending!
call him an elitist if you will, but he simply voiced an honest observation.
in rural pa, many people tend to vote based on the fear that the dems will force them to have abortions, confiscate their hunting rifles, burn their bibles, and make interracial gay marriages mandatory for their children.
economic stimulus and improved educational opportunities be damned!.
Government needs to be however damn big it needs to be
Ours has never been bigger! Under the watch of so called conservatives!
But with an attitude like yours, you will be giving too much FAITH to Government to do the right thing. It's time to become accountable to how OUR money is spent!
all I suggested in my post was that being open to the concept of friends helps.
Cool...I just read your comments on page one! My bad....