You posted while as was responding. So you believe only the bible my hunch was correct. Are you to scared to find out about the GOD MEN? The stories are real, no doubt these GOD Men never lived. But they were Christ's just as real to those followers of their faith as Jesus is too you. You can not disregard these stories just because the bible does not mention them, no more than you can say that America does not exist because the bible did not mention it. Remember Paul said he preached to the whole inhabited earth and all the earth went to Pharo for grain. But yet America and Australia existed. Despite this.
JoinedPosts by skyking
Question, What will happen to the earth and the Animals?
by unbaptized inquestion, if everyone who professes to be christian are going to heaven to rule as priest with jesus, who will be our subjects on earth?
can someone pleasee shed some light on this subject..
Question, What will happen to the earth and the Animals?
by unbaptized inquestion, if everyone who professes to be christian are going to heaven to rule as priest with jesus, who will be our subjects on earth?
can someone pleasee shed some light on this subject..
I see your mind is closed. Paul would never of said 'Third Heaven' a concept that was totally different than yours. He was preaching to people that know already what the third heaven was. Much like how you assume the third Heaven is a concept the way you have been taught it is. A very narrow way of thinking.
You need to study what the real history is of the first century or you too scared to find out? Until you sweep away the old chains that binds you, you will never know the truth. Like Job's thinking he was going to live as a Ghost on earth with God. He was wrong or was he?
Also just to open your mind will you at least post one more time and tell me what you think is going on with the God men 'Christ's' that the Pagan's religions wrote about long before Jesus.
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
After reading the last 3 pages my head is spinning. Lilly you have made me scratch my head, I believe you had no idea the responses you were going to get.
I had many of the same conclusion about the book as you. I see the contorted reasoning's of Dawkins. Even with this said, he does claim to know the beginning, he is willing to admit it. The difference is huge religionist claim they know, their answer begs a bigger question? God is an impossibility they forget needs explained.
The book gives a balanced person time to reflect. I hate all religions at this point and time, excepted for the Buddhist. I have not studied them yet.
Similarities between Pol Pot and Jehovah?
by Gill inpol pot had ambitions for cambodia.
he wanted to make it an farming paradise and return it to year 0!.
he attempted to do this by killing of the enducated people and those who did not agree with his ambitions.
Good post. I like posts that make me think and this is one of them thanks.
by CD in**looks like someone in the wtc made a booboo******** lol!!!!!
& it is not the 1st time.
can anyone say damage control!!!
What the BORG is doing they can see the back lash, the writing on the wall. So now damage control must be done.
by CD in**looks like someone in the wtc made a booboo******** lol!!!!!
& it is not the 1st time.
can anyone say damage control!!!
I would not be so fast to discredit this. I get emails form a brother at Bethel and he emailed me and said this was said at one of the Bethels meals. He told me that they were told at this meal Mat. 24:14 was fulfilled. So if the BORG does not want us the know this they have told a whole lot of people. So we have two one day assembly day's with at least one week between them and then the Bethelites being told.
Question, What will happen to the earth and the Animals?
by unbaptized inquestion, if everyone who professes to be christian are going to heaven to rule as priest with jesus, who will be our subjects on earth?
can someone pleasee shed some light on this subject..
I do know the environment that Paul lived in at the time. There was a struggle for the christian identity. You had many different ideas leveraging for dominance. The Christianity that we see today was not so cut and dried. The Jew's, the Egyptians and also the Pagan's had what you call the "Mysteries" only a few special religious persons could attain to this high religious state they actually had to be trained, after attending the mystery schools they could go out and help others spiritually. What is of interest to me is the Third Heaven the Third Heaven was a concept taught during the awakenings called the Mysteries. Jesus most certainly had to have been a graduate of the Mysteries. You should study the first 200 years of Christianity this study will wake you up to the real facts of Christianity not the facts that the Catholic Church wanted the world to know and taught by every Christian church ever since including the JW's. You should read first the book called "The Jesus Mysteries" by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy but Only read this book if you want to know the real facts of the early Christians. This book is life changing.
Open your mind Paul had to be referring to the concept that the readers of that day already know of the third heavens or he would of explained what it was so as not to confused the Third Heaven to a teaching that was Pagan. The reason he did not exspain it further was the reader already know what the Third Heaven was. If I told you I was transferred into a 'Confession Booth' you would know exactly what I was talking about. Paul had to be referring to the concept that people already know at that time. I will not tell you what they thought at Paul's time the Third Heavens was you need to look beyond what you have been told.
I know that JW answer to the Third heaven. Your response sounded almost exactly how I would have responded ten years ago. At Paul's day they believed that there were actually seven heavens.
I'll give you something to think about have you ever looked at the sons of the true God "Osiris-Dionysus" lived hundreds of years before Jesus.
They were born from a Virgin
Born in cowshed on Dec 25th
Baptised to represent rebirth for people
Turned water into wine at a marriage ceremony
Rode triumphantly into town on a Donkey waving Palm branches
Had twelve apostles
Healed the lame, blind etc...
Raised the Dead
Apostles broke bread and drink wine to represent Osiris-Dionysus body and blood
Crucified for our sins on Easter time
Raised on the third day by God
Followers await for their return to judge mankind.
There are more the seven such GOD MEN or as we call them Christ's that are said to have lived before Jesus. Each one did at least some of the exsact miracles credited to Jesus. Matter of fact not even one of Jesus life's story's was first done by him. Everything was first done by one of these seven Christ that lived before him. Certainly makes a person think does it not. Why was Jesus so unimaginative he could not come up with an original action or thought? Why did he copy pagan Christ's?
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
I read the book and I like the tea pot theory as long as a person insist on believing nonsensically then you can never prove to that person the tea Pot is not circling the sun and is not all powerful. Life would be simpler for me if I still believed the lies written in the Bible. Now that my eyes have been opened up I will never be held it is pretend power again.
I am ashamed that at one time I believed it all.
Great book.
Can I tell you a question?
by The Dragon inmy little boy used to say that when he was three....think i need a dna test?.
sorry..i just had to share that..
In a strange kind of way if you think about it the saying kind of makes sense. If you ask a question you are telling it.
How many of us were janitors?
by Fleshybirdfodder inlovelylils post made me think.... dubs pretty much rule that particular sector.
my mother was more proud of me working for the p.o.
cleaning toilets than if i had gone on to be a doctor.
Still am, part of my businness is Janitorial. I have made huge money doing this, even though it is only a small fraction of my business.