From the personal experience they are real painful but they help. I have to be in awful pain before I get one.
JoinedPosts by skyking
cortizone shot,anyone???
by aquagirl inhey,i know this is a bit um,off topic,but i am told that i have to get a cortizone shot in my heel due to plantar faciitus..anyone have any first hand experiance about what i can expect?
am envisioning a huge knitting needle like device jammed into the delicate already sore bones in my heel,causing great agony and pain and armageddon like conditions..anyone,any thoughts?
crisis of conscience
by cyrus inhi all ,got my copy today read 90 pages already ,so far very interesting and an eye opener rutherford comes across as a very dishonest man and a dictator.
knorr comes across as very insecure.anyway back to it .have fun and i will let you know as i read more .dan
great book keep reading
A Letter to the Governing Body
by truthsetsonefree in(km 6/03 p. 1 par.
9 building for an eternal future, w87 2/1 p. 15 par.
(km 11/88 p. 4 par.
Very thought provoking letter.
Musing over What is Karma, Rebirths, and the Illusions of the Senses
by frankiespeakin ini have finally had a little time to pause for some reflection, lately been either sick(flu) or fighting fatigue to get work done while sick with the flu.. one of my favorite pastimes is to tune into jwd and read all your arguements for and against things of the paranormal nature, mysticism, evolution, and things like these.
i do enjoy those that are of a scientific shaped logic and lean more heavily towards some of their well thought out replies, i see them as open minded for the most part, and know i would never be able to research to the degree they do the subject of evolution and patiently try to deal with some rather set in their ways creationist.
they have brought a wealth of information to our board, that no doubt help many rid themsevles of the god(of the bible) delusion, a rather mean and nasty delusion that many jws need to shake to make thier coming out of mind control more complete.. while i have given up on the god delusion pretty completely, i have not become a complete materialist.
I never use to wonder about the paranormal when I was in the BORG, never believed it for a second then. Now however my mind has been opened up to the idea and I see there maybe reasons for it other than Demons. Every time I post anything about ithis I get slammed by other posters. There is proof if people want to look at the proof. What I have found people only like proof when I supports what they like. We need to open minded because if I was not opened minded I would still be knocking on doors.
Da' Colt's and Da' Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by AK - Jeff ini consider brooke my friend - but two weeks from now i will be rooting against your bears, babe!!!.
what a finish for the colts - bout time.
i have been waiting for them to get to the "show" since they moved to indiana.. go colts!
Colt all the way. But have to respect the bears they whopped ass today.
No proof for the Paranormal?
by skyking inmost scientist feel that the paranormal can not be taken seriously.
however, when the persons making extreme claims are professor brian josephson at camberidge and jessica utts who is a professor of statistics at the university of california at davis.
both have impressive credentials and marshals the evidence for their case using repeatable tests that proves mathematically that the paranormal is real.
It was Stephen Hawkins not Richard Hawkins. Sorry
Many Nations have used Remote Viewers with much success even the US had the Star Gate project which had many successes but was later closed. Recently we have found out it was only closed by name, it reopened by a different name soon after. Some in the Bush administration have been quoted that this was one of the reasons Bush went to war with Iraq because of wrong information that the US remote viewers gave him. Which does not give much credence to remote viewing I will admit. But the US government and most other Governments have remote viewers.
No proof for the Paranormal?
by skyking inmost scientist feel that the paranormal can not be taken seriously.
however, when the persons making extreme claims are professor brian josephson at camberidge and jessica utts who is a professor of statistics at the university of california at davis.
both have impressive credentials and marshals the evidence for their case using repeatable tests that proves mathematically that the paranormal is real.
I am leaving right now I want this to have at least a fair chance for the poster I want to see it gets to. But I bet he will post something that makes all this sound stupid. Something that Richard Hawkins did not do but instead said their reseach is provideing hard evidence for a yet unkown force in the universe in a recent TV doncumentary. But hell this poster I am talking about must be smarted the Hawkins just ask him
Why am I having trouble posting?
by Bonnie_Clyde ini typed an article from the wall street journal in "notebook" (because i don't know how to scan), pasted, and submitted.
i keep getting an error message...three times..
I'll walk you through it, go to this link on a separate web page then click on upload image. Then click on browse find your pic or web page then either double click on pic or highlight page address. then on tinypic page click on upload. Your pic or page should down load to tiny pic. Then on JWD you will see the square box that is yellow, to the very left of the smiley face and the right of the box with the e in it. click your courser where you usually type your responses in then go up to that yellow box and click on it.
Then tinypic page pic source age and highlight the address in the URL Link: for email and instant messenger and paste it there to the JWD box that came up when you clicked the yellow box paste it into the field provided picture source then click ok the pic should of downloaded to JWD.
Why am I having trouble posting?
by Bonnie_Clyde ini typed an article from the wall street journal in "notebook" (because i don't know how to scan), pasted, and submitted.
i keep getting an error message...three times..
Sometime you needed to use outside web page that you download the article too and then use that URL to post the article. I you have noticed many people like to post pics.. and this is how it is done. Do you know how to do this?
No proof for the Paranormal?
by skyking inmost scientist feel that the paranormal can not be taken seriously.
however, when the persons making extreme claims are professor brian josephson at camberidge and jessica utts who is a professor of statistics at the university of california at davis.
both have impressive credentials and marshals the evidence for their case using repeatable tests that proves mathematically that the paranormal is real.
Most scientist feel that the paranormal can not be taken seriously. However, when the persons making extreme claims are Professor Brian Josephson at Camberidge and Jessica Utts who is a professor of statistics at the University of California at Davis. Both have impressive credentials and marshals the evidence for their case using repeatable tests that proves mathematically that the paranormal is real. Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning is well established. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. [Psychic functioning] is reliable enough to be replicated in properly conducted experiments, with sufficient trials to achieve the long-run statistical results needed for replication. Many scientist are not willing to change their perceived thinking and demise any and all valid tests as flawed, Here is Josephson’s home page found at - 18k also Utts at
To stress this one more time for people like Abaddon you can not get the numbers they are getting without the paranormal. So don’t believe posters when they say there is no proof? Bla, bla, bla, I just provided you with plenty of proof go to the web sites and do some reading. The proof that has stood up to most stringent scientific scrutiny. By the way this evidence is pissing a lot of people off because some people like being dogmatic. They like to post comments like this one that Aboddon posted yesterday.
Skyking "It is also really nice you feel there is a theory which supports the paranormal... pity there is no proof of the paranormal, eh?"
They are much like religious fanatics. Some people do not like having their belief system challenged and ignore anything you show them because they are comfortable being in the dark.
I hope you all are having a great Sunday as I am here in the great north west. My wife is about to drag my @$$ to the big city to go shoppong a fate almost as bad as setting through a meeting.