JoinedTopics Started by iamfreenow
Well, Trev is ill now!
by iamfreenow inat least i don't think so.. he has a flu-like illness and feels pretty awful.
by his own admission, he's been neglecting himself these last few months, and i think with all the stres he's been under that perhaps his immune system is very low.
he looks pretty awful as well, like he's had all the blood drained out of him.. even so, he was going to get on with the things he needs to do today, at least until i intervened.
Trying to help a would-be JW
by iamfreenow intrev received this email earlier from someone who is studying with the jws, and he has allowed me to post it.
dear trevor.
however i have a legal background and am consequently.
Our Friend Linda
by iamfreenow injulie and i have both known linda for over 25 years, from when she first became a jw, so we decided to write this tribute to her.. we first met linda in january 1981, when she attended her first ever meeting at our kingdom hall.
she had been taking the magazines for a few months, since just after she finished university, and had started studying a few weeks before, but this was the first time she had plucked up the courage to attend a meeting.
julie was having many doubts herself by then, and once again linda was supportive, as was trev.
About Trev
by iamfreenow intrev should be home soon, his best mate took him to the pub, while julie drove trev's car back here.
they are due back anytime, they said 7ish, and it's that time now.
he's had a few beers, which i think will do him good, and we are getting him some food ready.
Greetings from Sardinia
by iamfreenow intrev and linda sent this, as a postcard to all of us on jwd.
it certainly looks as if they have picked a beautiful place for their honeymoon.
they hope to send more later in the week.. greetings from sardinia we are having a wonderful time, the weather is reasonably warm, around 60f.
I heard from the newlyweds..
by iamfreenow in..and they have arrived safely in sardinia.. trev and linda phoned me just now, and they are safe and sound in their hotel.. they told me they are having an early night, as they are both tired, although i doubt that's the only reason!.
they send their love to you all, and will see you when they come back on march 5th.. .
My big day went very well
by iamfreenow inas many of you likely know, i was due to be baptised as a christian this morning at the baptist church i have been attending since just after i disassociated from the jehovahs witnesses.
this time, i remember it all.
we opened the service with "amazing grace", which is one of my favourites, and i noticed that my friends trev and linda were joining in the singing, somewhat to my surprise, especially trev, there may be hope for him yet!
Big day for me tomorrow
by iamfreenow inhello everyone, i haven't been on here for a while, though i have read a few posts from time to time when i've been visiting my friends linda and trevor.
i would like to be here more, but i am retired now, and can't really afford a pc or the internet, being on a somewhat limited income.. since i left the watchtower society in august, i have kept myself reasonably busy.
i attend a couple of evening classes, help my non jw son and his wife out by babysitting when needed, and manage to see my jw sons' children as often as possible.
Retiring today!
by iamfreenow intoday is my 60th birthday, so i am now officially retired!
actually, my last day at work was yesterday, and my colleagues gave me flowers, wine, chocolate and took me out to lunch.. this is the first birthday i've ever had as a non jehovahs witness, and it feels very strange to be even acknowledging it, let alone celebrating.
i am going out tomorrow evening with trev, linda and a few other fading or former jws for a curry at a local restaraunt, which i'm very much looking forward to.
Hi everyone
by iamfreenow ini haven't posted for a while, but my friend linda (fullofdoubtnow) has kept me updated with what's been happening on the board, so i've been with you all in spirit.
i've managed to keep myself fairly busy since leaving the witnesses though.
i am attending a couple of evening classes, on tuesdays and thursdays, keeping busy on former meeting nights, and i have been going to church on sundays, something i never in my wildest dreams thought i'd do at the beginning of this year!.