I think you know where I come down on this matter of your kid wanting to get baptized. Get him drunk, get him with a hooker and afterwards tell him he's not ready to get baptized.
Let me know how this works out!
my teenage son approached my husband and me yesterday to inform us that he wants to get baptized at the summer convention.
he hasn't shown an interest in witness things for several months until a cousin from up north came to visit and took him out in service all day.
I think you know where I come down on this matter of your kid wanting to get baptized. Get him drunk, get him with a hooker and afterwards tell him he's not ready to get baptized.
Let me know how this works out!
i read crisis of conscience some time ago and it had a profound effect on me.
i just gave it to my ex-bethelite friend to read (he had already discovered the "truth" about the truth on his own).
he's about halfway through it and is in the anger stage.
If you are a really brainwashed, zombied out JW, you could probably read Crisis of Conscience and not be negatively disposed toward the WTS. However, I think it likely that most active Witnesses wouldn't touch the book with their hands for fear that they might encounter a demon. Demon encounters by JW's are quite common.
we all dream often of how we might like to be living in a certain kind of environment, if you were the artist / designer of your ideal home, what construction materials would you work with, what shape would be your structure, what features would it have and what tone would you set for the place?
describe your dream home..... celty
I think I'd start out with the Kingdom Hall "no window" look.
did you believe that 1975 would see the beginning of the millennium?.
if not, why not?.
the scripture said "no man knows the day or the hour", not "no organization knows the day or the hour". I'll bet your reliance on scripture hindered your enjoyment of the WT study on Sunday.
I for one am not ashamed to say that I was in high school when this crap came out about 1975 and as a result I pioneered, didn't go to college and turned down what at the time appeared to be some damn fine sex. Then it was off to Bethel where I continued to turn down what appeared to be some damn fine New York sex. Then I married a witness girl and still never got any damn fine sex.
thought this was very revealing:
you need realplayer to listen in.
fantastic stuff.
I'm so sorry that some of the brothers took those talks literally. They just didn't realize that the organization was using 1975 like a carrot on a stick. Jehovah does work in strange ways afterall.
The next JW who tells me the society didn't indicate 1975 as the date for the end of the system, I may have to spit on. And then I might have to shove their bookbag up their butt.
I need a shot of Jack now and then I'll lay down for a rest.
there was a very intelligent post recently about this topic, but i can't find it.
anyone know how to find it again?.
the rabbi told a prominent member of his cong that he was always falling asleep during the sermon.
Even though the scriptures are silent on masturbation, we can presume certain things just from the way we were wonderfully made by our creator. Note that our arms are just long enough to enable us to masturbate.
"jehovahs organization.... should influence our every decision.".
"....idolatrous worshipers of a man made organization..." wt 12/1/1971 p.723.
more dumb-ass quotes to come!.
So what condemns the WTS as a false religion? (not that there exists a "true" religion) It's own words of course. This thread is why this forum is exceedingly important to JW's who are beginning to have doubts. And why should we care? Most of us are good hearted people who want to help others avoid the pain and anguish that being associated with the WTS brings.
By the way, if someone leaves the organization and joins another faith, I certainly don't condemn their decision. Most of the world's other religions, aside from Mormonism and Islam (among others), don't cause the adversity and family destruction that being a JW brings.
we've been invited to a christmas party monday night and i'm not sure what the protocol is.
are we suppose to take a gift, bottle of wine, etc?.
the guy thinks we are still witnesses, he said he still wants us to come, even though we don't celebrate it.
Dear Sister TweetieBird:
Attending a Christmas party represents a definite first step into the darkness. Whether you brought wine or other small gift is irrelevant. May I suggest that you contact your body of elders immediately and confess this sin. I'm certain that they will be very understanding and work to restore you and your evil husband back to spiritual health. Also, if you noticed any other JW's at this party, I suggest that you simply mention them by name to the elders and let these men handle the matter with love and gentleness.
Before it's too late and you are overcome by other Satanic holidays, go to Jehovah in prayer, but most importantly, go to the elders. If you prefer to write to the society first, that is always good. Let them notify the elders on your behalf.
just a little observation: have you noticed that the 'sisters' pictured in the magazines invariably wear long, long skirts?
check out the feb 1st issue.
even the housewife at the sink washing dishes has an ankle length skirt.
It is ironic isn't it Oz? I also noticed during my tenure, that for an organization that puts so much emphasis on sexual morality, there sure was alot of fornicating going on. Not that I have anything against fornicating, but it always struck me as odd. A tremendous number of sexually frustrated females and willing males.
I sense that one of the real benefits of being out of the organization, for females anyway, is that they can now have their sexual intercourse free from that oppressive WTS guilt. Life is good.
the subject is pretty cut and dry:.
---why did you leave the society??---.
was it one thing or several?
I left because of the lousy food at assemblies. Especially the pies. YUCK! How can any organization claiming to represent God provide such sorry chow for it's adherants?