The Fightin' Side of Me- M Haggard
Couldn't watch westerns(parents)
Vampire movies- eating blood and use of crosses, but watched Wizard of Oz at CO's house
My father destroyed "Behind Closed Doors' 'cause my mother played it so much
i know the society tells people not to listen to rock n roll cause its from teh satan, not to watch r rated movies because they're "worldly", etc.
but i was wondering if folks had any specific instances where one song, one show, one movie, or whatever was singled out as being particularly 'evil', and banned on an individual basis?
i was never a jw, but was in the worldwide church of god...the two are rather similar, i've seen many (and made quite a few myself) comparisons on the board; and i can remember as a child that every once in a while certain things would get brought up as being more evil and worldly than others.. examples of specific bans:.
The Fightin' Side of Me- M Haggard
Couldn't watch westerns(parents)
Vampire movies- eating blood and use of crosses, but watched Wizard of Oz at CO's house
My father destroyed "Behind Closed Doors' 'cause my mother played it so much just a reminder and for newbies
I believe Mc Cann kept the voting proxy so the WTS could claim they do not have any control of the stock, not even able to sell it without the proxy. Was the proxy wts' idea for plausible deniability?
i actually attended the bookstudy on friday, don't ask me why.
anyway the revelation book is being considered and we're at the paragraph where the congregation in ephesus is comended for "not bearing bad men.." apostates.. .
the comments from the ones attending were so baised and ignorant.
The only thing I'm bitter and angry about is all the attractive girls that liked me (really liked me) that I had to ignore, and I was too embrassed to tell them why.
does this sound right to you????!!!!!
to all congregations; .
xxxxxxxxxx .
Surprised it didn't say to selll the rings and donate the $$ to the 'worldwide work'
if jeseus is only the mediater for the 144,000, and wts now says the 'system' may outlast the remenent, then the earth would be without a mediater between man and god?
If Jeseus is only the mediater for the 144,000, and wts now says the 'system' may outlast the remenent, then the earth would be without a mediater between man and God?
after the 'discovery' of jesus' family tomb in jerusalem, does anyone believe that jesus was married to mary and had a son called judah?.
No, since the bible teaches sin is inherited through the father's line, Jesus' children would have been perfect, and would not have died from sickness or old age.
i once heard that when you first get married, you should take a jar and put a penny it in each time you have sex your first year.
then after the first year, take a penny out for each time you have sex, and that jar would never go empty.
basically, the sex gets old and you never do it much after the first year.
Our sex life was practically non-existent for quite awhile before her death. Her health problems made it impossible, she would go into respiratory arrest, and I stayed with her til the end.If however,she had refused me without a health reason, I would have walked
jehovah's witnesses talk a big game but in reality they are filled with hot air.
they say a lot of things but don't always back it up.
for example, jws are told that meeting attendance is of paramount importance but the truth is anytime a meeting might be called off due to inclement weather, jws would anxiously wait by the phone from their elders saying the meetings were being canceled.. jws tell everyone that their preaching work is a "life-saving" work but the truth is they don't utilize the most effective modern ways of getting this "life-saving" message out.
When wts was teaching 1975 being the end, they were buying prime real estate in Brooklyn and other places.
a man i knew very well at work, who i even traveled to mexico with on a company trip, is a muslim from afghanistan.
he told me once, "never trust any muslim, as they will not tell you the truth about themselves until it is too late.
" i found this interesting as this man was muslim.
Yes, I'm concerned about Muslim extremists. trouble is you do not kinow who the extremists are because they try to pass for moderates. The radicals are anti-christian and anti-sematic and feel they must convert the world to islam even by force.
name everything that you can think of, that normal people can do, but jw's aren't allowed to do.. and if it's a conscience matter, write it down anyways.. .
i'll start.
jw's aren't allowed to vote..
Wow, I broke 57 so far