I believe that transcript about F. Franz in court
is somewhere on the Watchtower Observer site. I'll look for it also.
"Enjoy God's creation, ride a dirt bike!"
someone out there has a sence of humour.. [url] http://www.geocities.com/athens/atrium/4914/beliefsfaq2.html[/url].
ok, since it was so easy to get on here i'm assuming that this place is also over run by wts critics...but anyway!.
i've read a plenty of wt mags and got sucked in enough by the whole thing to go to a few meetings and do a bible study( which i wouldn't really call a study, since we just read one of their books).i soon broke of the whole thing and didn't even read another mag for about 6 years...6 months ago i wandered into h20 out of curiosity and ended up reading up on the arguments against the wts.. i have a simple question, and its probably very naive to ask this...but why is wts so afraid of debate?...there are plenty of sites arguing against the wts...but none for, apart the official site which doesn't address the issues raised by so called "apostates" anyway.. if the wt has the the truth why dont they just refute the the arguments against them instead of shutting up shop and labelling anyone who questions them an "apostate?
" or from satan or something.. i'm really beginning to think that all this wt business is just waste of time, that if i were to go to kh and ask questions that i have, i'm more likely to be labelled a trouble making agent of satan rather than be taken at face value as someone with serious questions.
Hi thrillbilly!
This was taken from the JW owned MP Technologies site. I will find more as time permits.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In communicating with the Society on various aspects of this web site we have received much fine counsel and admonition from them. Based on these discussions we have decided to close this web site on August 10, 1997. My wife and I have enjoyed providing encouragement, entertainment, and a nice place to visit for all of you. Even more so, we have enjoyed the encouragement and fellowship all of you have given us. We have met so many of the friends through this medium that we now appreciate more then ever the worldwide aspect of the brotherhood. We would like to thank the many brothers and sisters who have regularly contributed to this site and for their hard work in making our role a little easier. It has made this web site more yours than ours. We would like to thank in particular Bruno, Ricardo, Gordon, Cynthia, Garry, George, Gina, Linda, Martin, Lance, Harry, Jim, Winton, Shannon, Ivy and many others for all of their contributions.
With much love we thank you for this wonderful experience.
Your Brother and Sister in the Faith,
Stan and July Milosevic
Welcome to
Theocratic Files and Archives for
Jehovah's Witnesses
"Enjoy God's creation, ride a dirt bike!"
ok, since it was so easy to get on here i'm assuming that this place is also over run by wts critics...but anyway!.
i've read a plenty of wt mags and got sucked in enough by the whole thing to go to a few meetings and do a bible study( which i wouldn't really call a study, since we just read one of their books).i soon broke of the whole thing and didn't even read another mag for about 6 years...6 months ago i wandered into h20 out of curiosity and ended up reading up on the arguments against the wts.. i have a simple question, and its probably very naive to ask this...but why is wts so afraid of debate?...there are plenty of sites arguing against the wts...but none for, apart the official site which doesn't address the issues raised by so called "apostates" anyway.. if the wt has the the truth why dont they just refute the the arguments against them instead of shutting up shop and labelling anyone who questions them an "apostate?
" or from satan or something.. i'm really beginning to think that all this wt business is just waste of time, that if i were to go to kh and ask questions that i have, i'm more likely to be labelled a trouble making agent of satan rather than be taken at face value as someone with serious questions.
ok, since it was so easy to get on here i'm assuming that this place is also over run by wts critics...but anyway!.
i've read a plenty of wt mags and got sucked in enough by the whole thing to go to a few meetings and do a bible study( which i wouldn't really call a study, since we just read one of their books).i soon broke of the whole thing and didn't even read another mag for about 6 years...6 months ago i wandered into h20 out of curiosity and ended up reading up on the arguments against the wts.. i have a simple question, and its probably very naive to ask this...but why is wts so afraid of debate?...there are plenty of sites arguing against the wts...but none for, apart the official site which doesn't address the issues raised by so called "apostates" anyway.. if the wt has the the truth why dont they just refute the the arguments against them instead of shutting up shop and labelling anyone who questions them an "apostate?
" or from satan or something.. i'm really beginning to think that all this wt business is just waste of time, that if i were to go to kh and ask questions that i have, i'm more likely to be labelled a trouble making agent of satan rather than be taken at face value as someone with serious questions.
Hi Zep!
The Watchtower Society's official teaching is to shun so called "apostates". They do believe that all non JW's are under Satan's control. If you leave the organization, doesn't matter why, you are to be shunned.
The WTS has come under tremendous fire in the last few years with the advent of the internet. That's why you see mostly one-sided websites. There are a few pro JW websites, but even they are discouraged from operating by the Watchtower Society. Some were forced to shut down while others decided to tow the party line and shut down on their own. If a former witness gets on one of these hard-line JW sites, he/she will usually be banned quickly.
There has been a virtual exodus of people from the ranks of JW's and their growth is slowing down. The WTS has been found out and they are paying for it.
"Enjoy God's creation, ride a dirt bike!"
how many inconsistancies can you find?
how many things are not told about the religion in this lesson?
also check out the note at the bottom of the page.. "knowledge that leads to everlasting life".
How many inconsistancies can you find? How many things are not told about the religion in this lesson? Also check out the note at the bottom of the page.
"Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life"
Lesson 16
Your Decision to Serve God
What must you do to become a friend of God? (1, 2)
How do you make your dedication to God? (1)
When should you be baptized? (2)
How can you gain the strength to stay faithful to God? (3)
1. To become a friend of God, you must obtain a good knowledge of Bible truth (1 Timothy 2:3, 4), put faith in the things you have learned (Hebrews 11:6), repent of your sins (Acts 17:30, 31), and turn around in your course of life. (Acts 3:19) Then your love for God should move you to dedicate yourself to him. This means that in a personal, private prayer you tell him that you are giving yourself to him to do his will.-Matthew 16:24; 22:37.
2. After you have made your dedication to God, you should be baptized. (Matthew 28:19, 20) Baptism lets everyone know that you have dedicated yourself to Jehovah. So baptism is only for those who are old enough to make a decision to serve God. When a person is baptized, his whole body should be put under the water momentarily.* -Mark 1:9, 10; Acts 8:36.
3. After you have made a dedication, Jehovah will expect you to live up to your promise. (Psalm 50:14; Ecclesiastes 5:4, 5) The Devil will try to stop you from serving Jehovah. (1 Peter 5:8) But draw close to God in prayer. (Philippians 4:6, 7) Study his Word each day. (Psalm 1:1-3) Stick close to the congregation. (Hebrews 13:17) By doing all of this, you will gain the strength to stay faithful to God. For all eternity you thus can do the things that God requires of you!
* A study of Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, or similar book published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, is recommended in preparation for baptism.
Edited by - dubby on 15 June 2000 2:43:12
Edited by - dubby on 15 June 2000 2:44:10
i suppose we all think of ourselves as unique and we are in so many ways.
what i fail to realize, i guess, is that we are far more alike than unique.
every now and then i will reveal some little fear or quirk or dream that i have only to find out that someone else has experienced the same thing!
I appreciate your dilemma. A hard one to reconsile. In my case I was just stressed out from obligations. I wasn't humble enought to just be a "publisher" anymore. I found out after a period of absence what the real dilemmas were.
I hope you find peace and contentment on your journey.
"Enjoy God's creation, ride a dirt bike!"
i'm curious about the reasons for becoming a jw.
if you were raised a jw, were you pressured into baptism?
if you weren't raised a jw, what were the deciding factors?
i'm curious about the reasons for becoming a jw.
if you were raised a jw, were you pressured into baptism?
if you weren't raised a jw, what were the deciding factors?
i was over on the thread about the blood policy and got to thinking how easy it is to just accept a change and after awhile people even forget all about how important it was at one time.
if the society does change the blood policy how long will it be before it is just accepted, and brothers and siters don't even recall the previous stance on the issue?.
this got me thinking about the change in the 1914 generation.
i'm curious about the reasons for becoming a jw.
if you were raised a jw, were you pressured into baptism?
if you weren't raised a jw, what were the deciding factors?
I'm curious about the reasons for becoming a JW.
If you were raised a JW, were you pressured into baptism? Or were you convinced of the "truth" of the org.?
If you weren't raised a JW, what were the deciding factors? Was research outside the org. done? Were you impressed by your study conductor? Were you lonely and wanted fellowship? Were you looking for the "truth" and said HA! I found it!? Did you meet a JW and fall in love?
It would be interesting to hear from anybody that did independent research and found the WTS to be just the ticket.
I am ashamed to say that as a young man of 21, I did virtually no research at all. I was impressed by the JW's I studied with, and the literature sounded so convincing! Such pretty pictures! This HAD to be the truth! I look back and wondered why I could be so gullible. Why did I treat my wife so badly when she wouldn't accept it? She actually called me an a**hole because of my arrogance. But, I digress. People get suckered into scams every second of the day. Did we get scammed? I guess P.T. Barnum was right.
"Enjoy God's creation, ride a dirt bike!"
Edited by - dubby on 14 June 2000 22:2:18