Yes that right KS since in ancient times people thought the earth was flat, particularly when the bible was written.
JoinedPosts by thetrueone
The Bible-- Full of Errors And Inconsistencies?
by Recovery ini noticed in the "magic" thread many former jw's no longer adhere to the bible as the unerring and accurate word of god.
if you feel this way, can you please list any specific reasons/arguments as to why not.
this thread isn't for debating purposes, but simply for listing.
How would you like it if Jehovah took a vacation from you?
by irondork infrom the platform: when encouraging school-age children to use their summer, and adults to use their secular vacations for pioneering, we were asked, how would you like it if jehovah took a vacation from you?.
w/82 5/15 zealous parents produce missionaries p.11.
we were brought up in a happy theocratic home where our parents helped us to love and live the truth.
How would you like it if Jehovah took a vacation from you? Someone has to be notably here first to be able to take a vacation away from someone.
Don't Ever forget
by Terry indon't ever forget:. the christian religion behaved when it held all the power of the state along with the moral provenance.
men were not free to suggest.
Well said Terry, couldn't agree more on your analyst of religion.
Questions From Thinkers
by Perry inhow do you explain david's graphic portrayal of jesus' death by crucifixion (psalm 22) 1000 years before christ lived?.
how do you account for the odds (1 in 10 to the 157th power) that even just 48 (of 300) old testament prophecies were fulfilled in jesus christ?.
in what sense was jesus a "good man" if he was lying in his claim to be god?.
God's will always be manifestations of imagination derived from expressions of human ignorance. Whether a person wants to live within that imagination is up to each individual.
Question #9 of this week's "oral review" of DVD "Faith In Action"...
by Alfred inthis week, the service meeting will have an oral review of the dvd faith in action which was distributed in the 2010 district assembly worldwide... as many of you probably know, the intent of this dvd is to present a "white-washed" version of the history of the watchtower by omitting all the scandals and cover-ups.... i no longer go to meetings, but i would have loved to raise my hand and answer question #9 which reads: "what did the bible students expect would happen in 1914?".
my response would have been the following:.
even though the geoffrey jackson admits that the bible students expected a "heavenly reward", the dvd avoids mentioning that russell categorically predicted armageddon would come in october of 1914. what's even worse is the fact that the narrator lied on two occasions by saying that the bible students expected or reasoned that jesus would take the throne in 1914. this is completely false.
Well he wasn't stupid enough to know how to twist a story to make the IBSA/JWS look like knowledgeable geniuses. Why didn't he tell the truth in that the ISBA came to that year by Pyramidology. To say it was just a coincidence would be too truthful I guess. Better to conceal the truth and make the WTS. look like its being guided by god's holy spirit. Bullshitting always works in religious endeavors.
by Chariklo incan anyone explain to me just how and why the jw's confidently believe that jesus came and "inspected" all the other religions and found every one lacking and failing his expectations except the little group of bible students who went on to become the jw's?.
this is the biggest gap between history, logic and common sense and wt belief, to me.
more ludicrous than all the propehecies put together.. i'd be really interested to know all the different strands of this.
The majority of JWS today know nothing about 1919 and what significance it holds for the JWS . Rightly since the IBSA was still in effect established at the hands of J Rutherford. Since Rutherford didn't take on the name of the JWS until 1931. JWS today barely know very much about 1914 and the GB doesn't want to bring that out for obvious reasons.
by Chariklo incan anyone explain to me just how and why the jw's confidently believe that jesus came and "inspected" all the other religions and found every one lacking and failing his expectations except the little group of bible students who went on to become the jw's?.
this is the biggest gap between history, logic and common sense and wt belief, to me.
more ludicrous than all the propehecies put together.. i'd be really interested to know all the different strands of this.
The application of relational logic and religious cults such as the JWS are not synonymous with one and another. Back in the early 1900's the IBSA and the WTS. run by Russell were just another fringe religious group framed by the present Adventist theology, which in reality was a great religious theology for commercial exploitation, in selling literature and drawing crowds to public talks. The commercial aspect of this religious organization was seen advantageous even when most of its predictions failed to evolve. It was still seen as a viable source of money and power for those who wanted to precede on in the way it had by the previous leader, namely C Russell. When Rutherford grasp hold of the publishing house the game was his play with, even though he too was a incompetent bible theologian.
Question #9 of this week's "oral review" of DVD "Faith In Action"...
by Alfred inthis week, the service meeting will have an oral review of the dvd faith in action which was distributed in the 2010 district assembly worldwide... as many of you probably know, the intent of this dvd is to present a "white-washed" version of the history of the watchtower by omitting all the scandals and cover-ups.... i no longer go to meetings, but i would have loved to raise my hand and answer question #9 which reads: "what did the bible students expect would happen in 1914?".
my response would have been the following:.
even though the geoffrey jackson admits that the bible students expected a "heavenly reward", the dvd avoids mentioning that russell categorically predicted armageddon would come in october of 1914. what's even worse is the fact that the narrator lied on two occasions by saying that the bible students expected or reasoned that jesus would take the throne in 1914. this is completely false.
Russell's hidden agenda was to cultivate his own following and turn these people into sales Representatives for publishing aspirations. Thats still the agenda of the Watchtower Corporation to this day. The Watchtower Kingdom got so large and rich by contrived fear mongering, Russell lade down the foundation for this publishing house which still exists.
Question #9 of this week's "oral review" of DVD "Faith In Action"...
by Alfred inthis week, the service meeting will have an oral review of the dvd faith in action which was distributed in the 2010 district assembly worldwide... as many of you probably know, the intent of this dvd is to present a "white-washed" version of the history of the watchtower by omitting all the scandals and cover-ups.... i no longer go to meetings, but i would have loved to raise my hand and answer question #9 which reads: "what did the bible students expect would happen in 1914?".
my response would have been the following:.
even though the geoffrey jackson admits that the bible students expected a "heavenly reward", the dvd avoids mentioning that russell categorically predicted armageddon would come in october of 1914. what's even worse is the fact that the narrator lied on two occasions by saying that the bible students expected or reasoned that jesus would take the throne in 1914. this is completely false.
Even back in Russell's time there was commercialized fear mongering going on by himself to attract attention to his sermons and of course his books and magazines. You just cant seem to take the salesman out of a salesman. 100 years later on the fear mongering by the WTS. continues and people are being lured in. People are people after all, pose a threat to them and they will react, this is human psychology.
by Chariklo incan anyone explain to me just how and why the jw's confidently believe that jesus came and "inspected" all the other religions and found every one lacking and failing his expectations except the little group of bible students who went on to become the jw's?.
this is the biggest gap between history, logic and common sense and wt belief, to me.
more ludicrous than all the propehecies put together.. i'd be really interested to know all the different strands of this.
I doubt Jesus would choose a group of malignly dumb and incompetent theologians, which made up the leaders of the Watchtower Publishing company,
and still makes up the leaders of this organization today.
Jesus isn't into commercial publishing, never was.