you do realize the CIA has the order to kill saddam?!
as long as he is a viable military target during war, yes of course.
you do realize that the US would have an even harder time to justify the occupation of iraq if hussein would indeed resign.
no, it wouldnt be hard to justify whatsoever. we have to occupy iraq until the entire regime is dismantled, and a new regime is in place.
you do realize that the US cannot be interested to make any behind the scenes discussion about exile public as long as this would show that the US is trying to screw saddam.
actually i could see where it would be a huge advantage to make public even the slightest hint that saddam was considering exile. this would show weakness to his loyal subjects, thus highly increasing the chances of a leadership breakdown in the event of war. saddams best move, to keep loyalty in tact, was to play the hard line and declare that iraq would be victorious, which he did. any opportunity the u.s. had to undermine this stance to his subjects wouldve surely been taken.