It has just been reported that a helicopter has crashed all 16 people killed, near kuwait border.
Helicopter just reported down
by chachasmum 24 Replies latest jw friends
I hate to sound callous, but there is a war going on in the region....
All too often those damn things crash more than they get shot down. I have no clue what happened here.
Thousands will die before this is over.
12 British, and 4 Americans. (There was an update, the numbers were backward)
chachasmum, yes it is a tragic loss of life. There are very many mothers and fathers watching CNN right now who are worried sick as to whether one of their children was on that helicopter.
At the same time, it is amazing...
The US is obliterating the Iraqi military... and we get upset when we loose a single helicopter over friendly territory due to an accident.
It is amazing when you think about it. There has not been a single report of a coalition casualty resulting from combat.
When you choose to go to war you've got to live with the consequenses.....
no such thing as a tragedy here....just a stupid career choice....
why would someone willingly put himself in harms way and then claim tragedy when they's sort of like if I walk onto a busy highway and get hit by a car....are you gonna say it's a tragedy or that I was stupid?
The tragedy is that these people start lives and put children into this world and then go get themselves killed. Yes it is a tragedy that they didn't think about the end result and their families. And if you could bring them back to life they would probably say "What the hell was I thinking about", especially in the name of George Bush and his agenda, now that's a tragedy.
Latest figures are saying 8 Brits & 4 US
Ours news is also just reporting that one US marine has been killed in combat
no such thing as a tragedy here....just a stupid career choice....
why would someone willingly put himself in harms way and then claim tragedy when they's sort of like if I walk onto a busy highway and get hit by a car....are you gonna say it's a tragedy or that I was stupid?
big difference between putting yourself in harms way for no reason, and putting yourself in harms way for your nation. deeming military duty as a "stupid career choice" is tantamount to spitting on the flag.
these guys are not putting their lives on risk for their nation but for bush and his lies. that they are too naive to see it is their problem.
these guys are not putting their lives on risk for their nation but for bush and his lies.
surely you realize that the vast majority of the military over there have been part of the military long before bush ever even took office? when you swear to put your life at risk for your nation by joining the military, you do it regardless of whos in office, and what may transpire in the future. they do not risk anything for bush, they risk it because theyve dedicated their life to defending our nation. theres no choices as to which operations you take part in, and which you dont.
well here is the doesn't matter who is the official president of the US...its always the same lobbies running the country. whether its nixxon, reagan, bush sen., clinton, bush w. or whoever is irrelevant. these guys in the US army fall for the BS patriotic lies spout out by the US administrations and the media and don't realize they are fighting for the interest of a few powerful industrialists and bankers.
and at least 70% of the americans don't have a clue either (not that they could do a damn thing about it if they would realize the truth)...they pay their taxes for the military and all kind of shit while their schools are breaking down etc.