Isn't it supposed to be You'se guys?.
according to jay (from jay and silent bob)....."youse guys" is indeed the correct pronunciation.
1. you think barbecue is a verb meaning "to cook outside.
2. you think heinz ketchup is really spicy!
3. you don't have any problems pronouncing "worcestershire sauce" correctly.
Isn't it supposed to be You'se guys?.
according to jay (from jay and silent bob)....."youse guys" is indeed the correct pronunciation.
simon, i think he's back.
did you let him back?
please get rid of him again.
you guys did hit a hell of a recruiting class, ill give you that....but the irish didnt do too bad 5 according to the "experts" at espn, mostly on defense once again (with the number 2 rated qb in the country as well)....of course, the ratings on recruiting classes seldom mean a whole lot. the core of our defense is back (8 of the starters i believe), and didnt you guys lose a little more than carson palmer? (that safety that tormented us pops to mind)......but, as im sure you know, talent goes out the window when its nd-usc....throw out the ratings, standings, records...itll be a classic as usual. the hometown crowd wont soon forget that a** whoopin we recieved out west........if we only win one game this year, i sincerely hope its that one.
1. you think barbecue is a verb meaning "to cook outside.
2. you think heinz ketchup is really spicy!
3. you don't have any problems pronouncing "worcestershire sauce" correctly.
I think these questions were rhetorical for the sake of the joke and amusement, not an actual survey.
no way!!
well, i answered "yes" to 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, and 32........18 of the 34, just over 50%....what does it all mean???
simon, i think he's back.
did you let him back?
please get rid of him again.
After my freshman year at USC (Go Trojans!)
oh man ......i cant wait for the trojans to come into south bend this year.....its payback time!
simon, i think he's back.
did you let him back?
please get rid of him again.
You know, he has a very valid point(s) to consider.....
i was just thinking the same thing. then i figured id better go back and read some of his past posts to get a better idea....and as of yet (ive only read a couple handfuls) i havent found anything deserving of the "troll" title....but i havent read them all, so i could be wrong. i have often privately felt that some are treated way too harshly on this board simply because they still hold on to some jw beliefs, and still argue them. you would think that most people coming out of the organization would fully understand holding on to ingrained beliefs.....why treat someone like a "brainwashed dub" simply because of that? why not argue the points you wish to argue respectfully, instead of treating the person like a complete idiot? he doesnt hold the exact same beliefs about the jws that the majority of the posters on this site condemn him and all of his opinions blanketly? i dont understand it, and i think its unfortunate. again, id have to do more reading to determine who normally starts the "attacking" language in these discussions, so maybe im way off base here...........just my two cents anyhow.
ps......doing a quick check, it looks like yoyo always posted from the same ip address, even with his other handles (mavman, etc.), and that ip doesnt match the ip for oroborus.
i went to the tonight show's website....i wanted to see who is on.
i discovered that they have outtakes from the shows.
some of the best episodes are when jay does *jaywalking*.
im a letterman fan myself....i thought this was pretty good..........
Top Ten President Bush Excuses For Not Finding Weapons of Mass Destruction
10. "We've only looked through 99% of the country"
9. "We spent entire budget making those playing cards"
8. "Containers are labeled in some crazy language"
7. "They must have been stolen by some of them evil X-Men mutants"
6. "Did I say Iraq has weapons of mass destruction? I meant they have goats"
5. "How are we supposed to find weapons of mass destruction when we can't even find Cheney?"
4. "Still screwed up because of Daylight Savings Time"
3. "When you're trying to find something, it's always in the last place you look, am I right, people?"
2. "Let's face it -- I ain't exactly a genius"
1. "Geraldo took them"
the "internet outhouse" or "iloo" or "www.c" is finally here!!
what will the jw's do to counter this???
i just posted that on a couple threads......does anyone else see a sanitation problem here? a keyboard on your lap..? um, i think ill pass on that one...............
i can see the ims now......
"so, what are you doing?"
"oh, just wiping my arse, give me a second here....."
tell us, please, we wanna know!.
also can you get your head around the the british isles, the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and just plain ole england?.
(with apologies to minimus).
i think they are even more addicted to the intenet than we are...and thats saying a lot ..........
i posted this simuntaneously on another thread......but it was just so absurd, i thought id post it here too.
well, pretty soon it seems youll be getting instant messages on the loo instead..........
somehow this doesnt sound very sanitary to trying not to picture smudges on the screen or keyboard, but geez......"a waterproof and wireless keyboard can be placed on the lap"?? what the??
well, i've been paranoid of my own country for a long time, but this just makes me a little more nervous.
now, our neighboring countries must live by america's rules?
i could be reading too much into this, but canada is its own sovereign nation, and they don't have to live by america's rules just because they are our neighbors.
actually i was saying the exact opposite.....simon was implying that the u.s. was jealous of canadas "friendly" relationships, and i was basically saying, "if the u.s. was worried about making friends, they have a funny way of going about it" other words, the actions of the u.s. show that making friends isnt exactly tops on the list of "to do" items. it was an example to show just how ridiculous simons suggestion was.