That is very true. My grandparets always comment on how all the people that my mom knows are strange...or depressed. If your not weird before you get into it, likely through the journey you'll get that way! I do think the young ones get married early because you realize if you don't by the time you are 19...the only guys to choose from are the real offense Gordon! LOL!
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
What is your weirdest field service(study)experience?
by megsmomma ini was thinking about a bible study my mom's friend had when we were just getting in the was with a woman who had several kids and lived in a real old run down house.
i was about 10 and the oldest kid among them, so i had to watch all the kids while they studied.
my lil brother was 3 and he had to go to the bathroom....well i took him in there and aparently they had no plumbing, so the toilet was full of sh*t and there were buckets of it in there brother was very upset too and refused to go.
What is your weirdest field service(study)experience?
by megsmomma ini was thinking about a bible study my mom's friend had when we were just getting in the was with a woman who had several kids and lived in a real old run down house.
i was about 10 and the oldest kid among them, so i had to watch all the kids while they studied.
my lil brother was 3 and he had to go to the bathroom....well i took him in there and aparently they had no plumbing, so the toilet was full of sh*t and there were buckets of it in there brother was very upset too and refused to go.
I was thinking about a Bible study my mom's friend had when we were just getting in the BORG.....It was with a woman who had several kids and lived in a real old run down house. I was about 10 and the oldest kid among them, so I had to watch all the kids while they studied. My lil brother was 3 and he had to go to the bathroom....well I took him in there and aparently they had no plumbing, so the toilet was FULL of Sh*t and there were buckets of it in there brother was very upset too and refused to go. And I tried to tell my mom, but she shushed me and made me leave the room. So I took the kids outside and let my brother go by a tree. Then we walked by their barn and there was a pig or goat or some animal hanging in the bard.....dead. It wasn't a smoke house either, it looked sadistic. I was SOOOO freaked out, but when you are a JW you have to study with anyone who is interested, right? I would NEVER put my children in those situations....It goes against all my mothering instincts.
When I was older and pregnant, a sister handed over this weird-o woman for me to study with since she lived near me and that way I could keep up with my time. Well, she was smoking when I was there...didn't even care that I was 8 mo's...and she said she really needed some food, so I had to bring her meals...HOW STUPID! I ended up giving her over to my mom(since she really seems to love the weird ones) and eventually she stopped the study because this woman was calling a sex or psycic hotline from my parents house. (My mom would leave her there with the kids so she could clean for her and in return my mom gave her stuff...typical of my DUB mom) Ahhhh....Good times, good times!
What Difference Is There Between Your Life As A Witness----And Now??
by minimus inare things sooooo different now??
That is a good question. I have been thinking about how my life is now....and how it is good and moral, with a hubby I love and resect and a baby I want to raise to be a good person.....I feel like it is darn near perfect.....YET...
If I was a JW again I would be DF'd again for celebrating holidays, saying Gezuntiet, drinking beer, the bedroom things I do w/ hubby, watching R movies, having "worldly" friends, not going to meeting, not caring what they think......So,
Yes...Life is way different on a certain level.
We went to church for the first time...
by megsmomma inken...first i saw your post, and i am sorry the church you tried wasn't for you.
i have been out of the jw's for about 7 1/2 years, and just now felt the urge to go to a church take your time and do what feels right for you :) don't give up.....keep seeking, you will find.. so, about our experience...we went with a non-denominational.
we went with a big reminded me of how the jw's assembly halls are...the decor and the seating.....and the ammount of people.
Ken...first I saw your post, and I am sorry the church you tried wasn't for you. I have been out of the JW's for about 7 1/2 years, and just now felt the urge to go to a church take your time and do what feels right for you :) Don't give up.....keep seeking, you WILL find.
So, about our experience...we went with a non-denominational. We went with a big place...It reminded me of how the JW's assembly halls are...the decor and the seating.....and the ammount of people. (But that is where it ended)
The people didn't swoop in on us......they just were generally friendly and would say our baby is cute. ( I must say....she did look ADORABLE all dressed up!)
The people were dressed in a variety of apparel....from dress pants, to suits, to jeans, skirts,slacks, dresses....and you didn't think if you saw a man in jeans..."Oh he must be a study"
There was a nice cay care there...we kept the baby with us this time...but I went to the mom's room to take care of her, and I heard the different groups of kids having fun, singing great songs. It was sweet and I felt comfortable. And when my hubby had her, he went into the day care and sid it was really nice. Plus they page you if needed.
The songs sang throughout the sermon were uplifting and actually brought tears to my eyes. My daughter who is only 6 mo's covered my mouth as I sang however! LOL!
I really liked the sermon. I recall as a JW I would hear that at other churches they hardly ever use the Bible, and JW's are constantly flipping through the scriptures. Well, we only had to open to 1 scripture. Romans 1. But, the whole sermon was on it, and he would get deeper into the meaning by giving the greek words and their actual tranlation in english....which was enjoyable. Plus I realize that part of the reason JW's flip through the scrips is because that way you can spin it to back up whatever they want it to...i.e.....their doctrines.
The thing I loved most about today though......I was no longer disfellowshipped! I didn't have to tell anyone that approached me that I am DF'd...and see them avert their eyes and run. I was able to get some of life's water free...and spiritual food. Ahhhhh....I feel the tight watchtower's hold slipping completely off of my brain! I do feel refreshed.
Any advice about corns?
by hambeak ini know this is a stupid question but i have a very nasty corn between my 3rd and 4th toe on my right foot.
i cut it out regularly i put corn pads on it and have tried corn remover nothing seems to work ouch!
i am on my feet a good 10 hours a day and sometimes it hurts so bad i limp around and can barely walk sometimes any ideas on how to get rid of this thing?
Flexitol heel balm was recomended on a Dr.Foot web page. They said it helps soften it. They also mentioned a pumice stone to get the dead skin off. Hope that helps!
I am a sheep with goat tendecies...LOL, sums it up!
My letter to the "Glorious Ones."...
by Justice-One ini thought you guys might get a hoot out of this letter that i just mailed..... dear elders (or should i call you glorious ones?).
you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can never fool all the people all the time.
and you certainly do not have me fooled anymore.
I like would be a good letter to send annomously to all the congregations and make them wonder who among them is sending it!!
GoOdy NiGht!
by TheKings ini don't know if that's the universal jw term for potluck nights or if all congregations have them but all the ones i went to had a potluck night at the book studies once a month.
does anybody have any good stories related to these occasions?
tonight my family is going to a potluck night and as usual they asked me to make something for it.
Ok....I think it is pretty WEIRD that "goody night" is a term we all used....regardless of where we lived. Do you think it is because "pot-luck" has the "luck" word in it? How many little ways do they use mind control?
And oh yea....brownies with frosting were always a hit...or fudge!
How many people would follow or obey God if they didn't approv of His means
by The Dragon ini see this alot lately.. a person can get valuable information from someone....but they will ignore it if the person is not approved by thier chosen means of communication.
what would happen if god spoke through one of us?
would anyone listen?
I think it is amazing that the JW's will listen to all the ORG says.....Just because they THINK it is Jehovahs mouthpeice...and some will even admitt they don't think they do things the right way, but ignore their misgivings. And you said ..if someone had something of value to tall them, they would turn a deaf ear just because the source is not someone they are allowed to listen to.
Why are we so mad????
by megsmomma in my hubby and i are thinking of going to a is about the right time for us.
we were trying to figure out which religion is suited for us and he found this site.
it is interesting that the description an jw's say that it is unusual that when people leave them....there is alot of resentment, unlike other religions.. i think it is due to the brainwashing....when you have believed something blindly, then discover you were is worse than if you are a part of a religion where you can believe all they teach...or not.
The problem with these boards is that sometimes you (I) don't explain all the details and it ends up sounding like we are trying to join a golf club.... So, what we are looking for is a church that focuses on the Bible and doesn't make you join them or agree with all they say. I have done all kinds of reseach and I am not looking for a group to tell me what to think....rather looking for some good ol Bible studies with a group....because I do miss the social aspects of being in a group and learning.