((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).......I am sorry you feel so low right now. I have had depression issues before and I am on medicine for it right now....I tell my hubby I gotta take my "happy pill".
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
I'm sooooo low in my spirits today... :(
by FreedomFrog ini'm not going to get into much details but i'm just so depressed today.
today i feel like i'm living in a personal hell.
i have been sinking into this depression lately and it seems like it's starting to consume me.
MsMcDucket's mom
by parakeet inmsmcducket's mother died this morning.
she posted the announcement deep in a thread she had started several months ago when her mother first became seriously ill, and as a result the post sort of got lost.
msmcducket, i hope you don't mind my taking the initiative to start a new thread about your mom.
I am sad to hear of your loss. I will be thinking of you also.
Posted Zero hours preaching- Fading faster
by OnTheWayOut infor the first time in my jw history, i turned in a slip with a big zero written in every column,.
turned it over and wrote "zero tracts" below that, i wrote "stumbled by the co".
( see http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/121888/1.ashx if you want to understand the co comment.).
Did you feel proud or did you feel guilty? I am proud of you!
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child?
by Sailor Ripley innot sure if this has been posted before, but i'm wondering, since i have a two-yr-old and she has friends that are bad (scream, fits, say "no" a lot, hit, kick, whatever) and no one seems to care.
we get a note yesterday from her mommy-day-out about "discipline vs.
I think you are right........A tap on the rear to get their attention is a method we believe in. I would never smack my kids though...never use a paddle....and don't want anyone else spanking them. As for people who have bratty kids because they let them do whatever they want....well, they will be dealing with those bratty kids the rest of their lives.....so they get their karma there! I think some kids are sensitive enough to just be able to talk to them and have it work as well as a pop on the rear.
Robbed Again!
by hambeak inthursday morning 2am cst i got a call from the garland pd my shop was broken into again 3 times this year i am so hopping mad because this is going to put me out of business i can't claim on insurance not that much only a few hundred dollars but the clean up and disruption of business i am at the point of buying a gun.
i had one of the guys replace the window again and this time put heavy duty cage wire over all of the windows.
any suggestion on how to deal with this anger?
Aaaarrrrggggg! They must be a very organized group of robbers then...If they did 5 jobs in one night. You are dealing with professional it seems. What JERKS!
Robbed Again!
by hambeak inthursday morning 2am cst i got a call from the garland pd my shop was broken into again 3 times this year i am so hopping mad because this is going to put me out of business i can't claim on insurance not that much only a few hundred dollars but the clean up and disruption of business i am at the point of buying a gun.
i had one of the guys replace the window again and this time put heavy duty cage wire over all of the windows.
any suggestion on how to deal with this anger?
That is terrible! What kind of store do you have? Could you get a dog to protect it? Have they caught the robbers on any occasion?
the walk of shame
by nonamegiven init all starts after you hear "these things we pray through jesus christ, amen".
i gather my books and the kid's books and put them away.
by that time people are walking over to us and talking to my wife and playing with my kids.
I loved the advice from On the way out.....You do have to do something to keep your sanity. I have never been to a meeting since I was DA'd. I did go to a memorial once with my DF'd friend and her parents are JW's. It was like EVERYONE knew about us and no one made eye contact either. But, I did look at them all with their FAKE smiles and had a very hard time not LAUGHING MY AS$ OFF!! Hang in there!
another new guy
by Art Vandelay inactually, i'm new to the whole forum thing in general.
i guess i should say something about myself...
i'm 23, born and raised in the organization.
Welcome to the board! I remember that feeling of amazement of finding this site too....You are not alone!
Elders with STRONG personalities....
by JH inthere is an elder in my congregation that has a very strong personality.
he drove volkswagens and many bought the same make as he did.
we had another elder back then that drove a dodge aries and another elder who had a peugeot garage and he sold so many second hand peugeots to members of the congregation.
I remember one that drove all the other elders that could switch halls to do so. If we had a "get together", he would always be so highly competitive that he would YELL at little kids for missing a volleyball....in a nice family challenge! He would also say to you when he had you in the "back room" Now...this is just what I feel you should do, but I believe I have Jehovah's holy spirit.
Hi Everyone
by Stezza ini have been reading here for a while but as you may of noticed the assembly games post has flushed me out!
it has been fascinating to read all your experiences and to know that the stuff that i thought was odd, was thought odd by others as well.. two things made me leave:.
1. i found i could not do return visits as i did not want to break up families.
Welcome!! I get so excited when new ones join!!!!!!! The truth is getting out there more and more!