Hugs to you and many wishes for your daughters to return to you and figure it out too. They will have an easier time because the suffering you endured...they will have you to lean on.
Hugs to you and many wishes for your daughters to return to you and figure it out too. They will have an easier time because the suffering you endured...they will have you to lean on.
this will be very interesting, i only wish it would make the rounds on the jw emails the same way "knocking" did, fat chance!
we can only hope that pbs and nova will jump on this bandwagon as well, sooner than later.
holy moses!
a false prophesy was promulgated?
q. it had to be accepted by jehovah's witnesses?
q. error?
Thanks...good work!!!
i was coming out of the grocery store with a few items, and a round the corner comes a woman with 2 young.
boys about 7 or 8. she seemed a little clutsey, she raises her voice, the whole damn parking lot could of heard.. they were walking a head of her, she says "if you trip me boy, your going to sit in the truck all day.
like a lot but geez its 29 degrees celsius and extremely humid.
I have to say..."gimme a break".....if you heard the things I said to my kids...like..."you wanna be adopted..." what would you think?
while sorting through old papers and files in my closet getting ready for a move, i came across a bunch of papers and forms from bethel.
a lot of them are outlines and directions for the first few days and weeks while at bethel.
in addition, there are some typed notes from the 2002 annual meeting (the kind you're not supposed to post in the interwebz), a few letters from the gb to bethelites (mostly telling us how to dress and so forth), and some other random junk.
Yes puleaseeeee!
is all i can say to what my mother told me last night about the convention.
she saw some old buddies of mine (sure ain't my buddies when they never come by just because of differing beliefs...), and they asked how i was and she told them that i was an apostate, and that i had been brain washed!!!
ahahahahahahahahaha is all i could say when i called up (she answered, i called to talk to my old man) and she told me that.
Isn't it just sad....even that she would tell everyone who used to be your friends that you are "apostate" just shows how delusional they are in that they don't seem to care about their own family because their religion is more important. Sorry your mom is deluded.
i've been going out with this girl for 9 months.
so far, our relationship has worked so well, except for the past few weeks.
i've seen a lot of personality flaws.
If you read what you wrote (like it wasn't you writing it....with no emotion) I think you will have your answer.
She sounds like someone with more drama than you need...and she seems to have some really bad qualities that often get worse in time, and harder to deal with. There is likely someone better out there for you.....My opinion.
If you do deciede to break it off....make sure you are in public!
i have decided to join this forum after quite a long time lurking here (a number of years actually).. i have been out of the truth for a while and recently started to attend some meetings.
but i now think a bit more freely and wonder whether i am doing the right thing.
a cousin of mine regularly posts on here, didgeridoo in fact i have seen him today, speaking to him has made me decide to finally post on here, although i have my reservations whether i am doing the right thing.
Thanks for answering Simon!
Your picture is different...although the last one was nicer :)
I think your journey will be eye opening and I think you would enjoy the site JWFiles.com because it shows an abundance of things that deserve a deeper look. Check out how they changed the scriptures about who Jesus is the mediator for. (1 Tim. 2:5)
i have decided to join this forum after quite a long time lurking here (a number of years actually).. i have been out of the truth for a while and recently started to attend some meetings.
but i now think a bit more freely and wonder whether i am doing the right thing.
a cousin of mine regularly posts on here, didgeridoo in fact i have seen him today, speaking to him has made me decide to finally post on here, although i have my reservations whether i am doing the right thing.
I have a very sincere question for you...
How is it that you have lurked here for years, and have seen all the things the WTBTS has lied about, covered up, and manipulated....and yet still feel like you may be doing the wrong thing and possibly desire to still be "in it"? Do you feel like they mey still have a "special" connection to Jehovah...and are the only ones with "the truth"?
i need some help with what to share with my new neighbor.
my hubby and i were talking to her yesterday when they realised they went to the same school and knew some of the same people.
she mentioned one guy my husband knew and said she went to the same chuch as he did and then she said "he was a jw"..so i asked her if she was, and she said she was raised as one.
Thanks for the responses. I am going to try to just be her friend/neighbor and not to "rag" on the subject too much.
I did print out some great info on the UN (like the letter from the UN)
The quotes from the Society on how you SHOULD research your religion (from jwinfo.c_m)
Some info from the same source on Jesus being the mediator for only 144,000...
Some info on the dates they said the big "A" was coming (from the same site)
and some info on the Bible verses they changed to support their doctrines (from jwfacts.c_m) She mentioned she and her husband comparing Bibles and him pointing out little differences (with words like "meadow and field"...just wait till he see's the other changes!!)
I think I have a nice balanced "apostate packet" for her that doesn't come off as "too apostate".
I will let you all know what she says as life goes on.....