Speaking as someone who is still fresh from an 'apostofest'...
Being in or around a cult (27 years for me) is a lot like being in some kind of natural disaster. It's hard to realize how bad it is untill it's long been over. And even during the WTC disaster, we hear the stories of people who got out turning around and helping others; I downloaded an image that I peek at from time to time of a firefighter going UP the stairs of Tower 1 I believe it is.
2 things concern me the most about the Watchtower organization...the body count and the incredible social burden to society. Those children on the face of that infamous Awake magazine were human beings who had their whole lives ahead of them...they possibly may have become doctors and lawyers and social workers....persons we need right now. The work of ex-jw's has made a big difference in blood, alternative service, rape resistance and voting issues.
The other thing that concerns me is the social burden. Many of the children of Jehovah's Witnesses grow up to need a tremendous amount of community resources just to STAY ALIVE...I can give you stories, people I have personally met. Then they need community resources to rebuild their lives and finally to build a new life. If it really is true that the Watchtower is a burden to Society, I believe it should be made to pay somehow.
Such issues unfortunately are a little trickier to navigate than the United Nations issue...but it can be done I believe. But the most important thing is saving lives. That is why instead of running, with new information, to hard-core JW's I think it is a better use of resources to run to the public. Especially the press, and also don't forget the countercult movements. I also think that mental health organizations such as psychology and psychiatry unions should have whatever info we can pass on to them. If it were up to me I would invite psychology students to our apostofests; let them get a good look (for those ex-jw's who are comfortable) at the results of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I ran around on the internet and at websites; toddled around on various boards, in chatrooms, and began email and telephone relationships....but there is ABSOLUTELY NO SUBSTITUTE FOR LIVE FACE TO FACE CONTACT with these incredibly brave souls who will take the time to share their experiences in person. I am forever indebted to these people for opening up to me and its very humbling to hear what they have survived.
For those that need to go on with their lives and cannot look back....all the more power to them. If you got out alive you did everything right. For those that haven't had natural love and kindness for fellow human beings and family still left behind in the Watchtower totally beaten out of them... they are truly heroes to me.
Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...