Lying sacks of useless s--t!!!!!!!
thanks for the head's up RR. much dung, so little time...
the watchtower, october 22, 2001, page 22, column 2, paragraph 2:.
loyaty to jehovah also includes loyalty to his organization.
necessarily, over the years there have been corrections and adjustments to our understanding of certain scriptures.
Lying sacks of useless s--t!!!!!!!
thanks for the head's up RR. much dung, so little time...
any pics of the beast??
please mail them.... this is urgent
Here's another as a backup much dung, so little time...
while surfing the net, i came upon this annoucement.. a seminar on biblical greek to be taught by dr. firpo carr!!!.
who wants to sign up?.
< mean there was a topic for this thread once? [8>] much dung, so little time...
an ex-jw friend of mine just forwarded this to me.
i know the reputation newfies have among their fellow canadians, but i'm thinking they've gotten a really bad rap!!!.
kudos to the newfies and all our canadian friends .
yes yes yes just goes to show that the world is not the place SOME people would have us believe. much dung, so little time...
my wife and i met with 3 elders for a "judicial hearing".. our crime: simply put, was talking.
i showed a friend the un website where the wts was listed as an ngo which then led to a 2 hour discussion of various doubts that we both have had.
my wife also showed a friend the un thing but also discussed with her a first hand account of a pedophile cover-up that we knew about in our former congregation.
If this will soon rival the massive UN post. much dung, so little time...
well, this is my first anniversary and i am feeling good about it.
i wanted to take some time to thank everyone for helping me with my freedom.
there are too many people to thank them personally, but i wanted to leave a small note to say thanks all the same.. "hand me that whiskey, i need to consult the spirit."-j.f.
Pat! Pat! Pat!
i was baptised as a jw when i was about 12. i dropped out when i was about 19. i just stopped going to meetings and going in service.
it is now 20 years later.
i am interested in learning about other religions.
May I respectfully recomend clicking on the 'freeminds' link on the bottom of the page. There is a wealth of information contained on Randy's site that you can read at your own pace and at your own convenience.
The other links next to 'freeminds' are also fabulous for info.
welcome to the board and stick's like a roller coaster in here. much dung, so little time...
i for one am throughly fed up and royally pissed off with the crap from this organization.. if badwillie will set up a paypal account i will send money to it.
any other takers?.
badwillie - if you agree to this, and there is sufficient support, then get yourself a high powered attorney and sue their asses off.. also: if you do agree, how about we let the guardian know what we are doing.. t.
Wouldn't the society just LOVE for badwillie to just <"walk away and enjoy the rest of your life!">
humphf!!!! much dung, so little time...
1995 list of prisoners for peace.
by war resisters' international.
this is the third time I've posted this info...,greece
Greece’s mandatory military service laws are being tightened up.
The government is introducing a host of legal changes that will make it harder for young men to delay their military service.
Defence minister Gerasimos Arsenis’s idea is to get young Greeks into the military at the age of 19, and in some cases, at the age of 18.
To encourage people to get their obligatory military service out of the way early, the government says it will also offer incentives - though it hasn’t specified yet what those incentives will be. The carrot most likely to be used is a reduction in service time for those who join up as soon as they turn 19, and forego their right to put it off - as in the case of young men attending university.
The right to deferment of military service is going to be restricted too, to the length of time needed for university studies plus one year.
Once they’re in the army, young recruits are going to find it harder to get off base. The government’s bill calls for drastic cuts in furlough.
The government is going to make things easier for those with extra burdens. People with heavy family responsibilities will serve shorter terms, if the bill becomes law. People with three children will not have to serve at all. Men who are poor will get to serve shorter terms.
There’s something in the bill for concientious objectors too. They’ll be allowed to serve in areas that do not require them to bear arms. Arsenis says that to qualify for that, a recruitment age youth will have to convince a special committee that he has a serious personal objection to bearing arms.
Conscientious objectors will have to serve longer than other recruits. Someone who would have to serve 18 months normally, will do 27 months as a conscientious objector.
The bill also aims to put the past in order. 9,040 men born between 1947 and 1966 who have avoided their military service, will be called on to serve a portion of their terms, and buy the remainder off at a price of 700 dollars a month.
As for the 8,500 men born after 1966 who should’ve done their military service by now but haven’t,
Arsenis says they can see their recruitment officer about doing a full term of service, without fear of punishment, as long as the join up by 1998, and in some cases, by the year 2000.
Arsenis says that for the time being, the government is not thinking about increasing the length of the mandatory term of service.
In June Parliament adopted Law 2510/97 on conscription, which includes a provision for alternative civilian service. The law states that conscientious objector status and alternative civilian service or unarmed military service are available to conscripts declaring themselves opposed to the personal use of arms for fundamental reasons of conscience based on religious, philosophical, ideological or moral convictions. However, the length of the alternative civilian service remains punitive, being 18 months longer than military service. The provisions for alternative service can be suspended by a decision of the Ministry of Defence in case of war and conscientious objectors performing alternative civilian service will be incorporated into the compulsory unarmed military service. The law does not recognize the right to develop conscientious objection during military service. Conscientious objectors who carry out trade union activities or participate in a strike during the period of alternative service will have their right to alternative civilian service or unarmed military service revoked and have to serve the remaining part of their service in the army. As the provisions relating to civilian service were not due to come into force until January 1998, conscientious objectors who refused to perform military service in the meantime still faced prison sentences of up to four years. During the year about 250 Jehovah's Witnesses were serving prison sentences for exercising their right to conscientious objection on religious grounds.
Great minds must think alike....I've been working on this issue for weeks now which is why you haven't seen me much on the UN threads.
Ideas anyone? Why ARE JW's in prison when there IS alternative service and the Watchtower stated in its leterature JW's can serve alternative service if they'd like? much dung, so little time...
in the late 1960s, i became a jw.
there was a sense of intellectual freedom and more openness to discuss various spiritual and even some social topics.
there was reliance on watch tower literature as an authority, but still the soiciety seem to confine its concerns and left the rest up to individual jws to decide.
I found William Schnell's book incredible for HIS, he is not a Ray Franz, but then who is. I devored it in one evening and a morning, and my husband read it too (never been christian let alone a JW)
He did make strong statements tho that chills down my spine.
pg 96...The Watchtower Society had reached a point where it was forced to go even further. Quietly and imperceptively it now had to disrobe itself of the mantle of Christianity which it so long had worn for a cover and disguise.
pg 71...If events had not transpired to put the Hitler movement into control, Germany might have become the first Jehovah's Witness state of God's Organization.
and some other statements...
41...In order then to crystalize matters to the point of a crises, the Society instituted early in 1925 a rigid method of accounting and reporting to it all time spent in witnessing with its books....In the decade from 1921 to 1931 almost three-fourths of the Bible Students originlly associated with the Society in a loose fashion left the Society's supervision behind. That is precisely what the new Watch Tower Society wanted and what they hoped to accomplish.
110...the Watch Tower Society cleverly throughout the land raised the organized cry, "Religion is a snare and a racket." Thus by accusing others it drew away from itself the charge that its book selling campaign was a racket.
Interesting stuff I thought. much dung, so little time...