The phrase 'rank and file'...
WT 6/15/51..
2 True, those words of Paul were written to a man who was an overseer in the Christian congregation. But this does not mean that personal reading and study of the Holy Scriptures is limited to only an official servant class, and the rank and file of the congregation may not study it for themselves. Timothy knew the holy writings before ever he became an overseer; and the fact that an overseer is to be an example to the flock means the members of the flock are to follow his example in themselves studying God's Word. In this way they can determine whether the things taught them are true, that is, in harmony with God's will and Word.
3 But now a question. Can any individual Christian with just the Bible alone understand by himself all that the Scriptures teach? Is all he needs for determining God's will the Bible alone? He has a right to have a personal copy of God's Book and he is under apostolic instructions to make a private study of that Book. But he cannot depend upon just himself to understand it fully. In a general letter to Christians the apostle Peter writes: "Consequently, we have the prophetic word made more firm, and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts. For you know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private release. For prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit." (2 Pet. 1:19-21, NW) Since God's Word was released to us through men under the power of God's holy spirit or active force, the help of God's spirit is needed in understanding that Word.
WT 2/1/51
There is no exemption to any consecrated minister. Those taking the lead among them must set the example, and the others must imitate them. (1 Pet. 5:1-3) These leading ministers do not engage in carnal warfare, but preach. The rank and file of Jehovah's witnesses, being also ministers of God, copy their faithful example and peacefully preach
WT 12/15/71
28 Is that visible earthly organization eager to do that grand work? Look! The appointed elders and overseers of the congregations are actively working in that behalf. The ministerial servants of the congregations are cooperating in that behalf. The rank and file of the congregations, the dedicated men and women and their children, are taking part in the work, both from house to house and publicly. The governing body over all these theocratic congregations is whole-souled behind this evangelizing work and is making every arrangement for getting the work done within the time divinely allowed. The "faithful and discreet slave" class of today has been appointed over all the Kingdom interests belonging to the Lord Jesus Christ, and, as a faithful steward of his interests, it serves out spiritual food through the evangelizing work.
That's it so far...