What Alan and the others said, and furthermore...
is the child aware of previous teachings of the Watchtower? Since baptism means dedication to the organization, what if they went back to these teachings? They could, you know. Like the rape resistance, Sodom and Gomorah resurrections, elder appointments.
I wish these young people could go to Laree Slack's parents or the Stovall brothers' trial. Let him read 'Blood crimes' by Fred Rosen. And on and on and on. <sigh>.
And I really think some of the people have hit the nail on the head here.....what the heck is going on at home that makes the Jehovah's Witnesses look so good?
These are tough questions, I know. The answers I think are inward, not outward, as with all aspiring cultists.
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"