Actually, where there is no mailbox, the letter is returend to sender.
Press, anyone?
mailing campaign fallout.
recently, kingdom halls of jehovahs witnesses were the largest group of intended recipients of an international mailing campaign, spanning all fifty states of the united states and including the countries of canada and england.. the results in the us have been interesting, and could have far-reaching effects on our legal system and on the preaching practices of jehovahs witnesses.. over a hundred years ago, a group of evangelical apocryphical persons calling themselves "bible students" began a campaign to sell bible-based literature at homes throughout the united states.
from time to time, their effeorts faced legal challenges, some were won and some were lost, but in general the door-to-door campaigns have continued unabated, with varying degrees of success.
Actually, where there is no mailbox, the letter is returend to sender.
Press, anyone?
must be seen to be believed!.
Russell was not 'a pedophile according to his wife'. He actually may have been, and I believe he had some serious weakness regarding young females, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence of it.
the age of reason, by thomas paine .
part 1, the old testament.
THE AGE OF REASON, by Thomas Paine
Part 1, the Old Testament
The Age of Reason was written by Thomas Paine in Luxembourg, about two hundred years ago. It was written in about six hours (according to him) with no bible in front of him. Thomas Paine is quick to assure his readers that he is NOT an atheist, that he DOES believe in a Creator, but the Bible as it has been presented to us by Christianity was suspect at least and completely unbelievable and untrustworthy at best.
Thomas Paine labored under two difficult handicaps that we do not have today. 1) Thomas Paine was burdened, or at least it would appear to be so, with the Bible in English, not the native language in which the Bible was originally written. It will soon be demonstrated, why this might have made a difference to his opinions had Thomas Paine had access to the Bible in its native language. And 2) By far the most knowledge we have had of Bible archeology has been gained in the last forty or fifty years, a full centruay and a half after Thomas Paines essay. I contend that if he had had access to the wealth of knwlege obtained from biblical archeology today, his essays may have turned out differently.
No it does NOT say that. God only gives the reason for BLESSING and making SACRED the sabbath day in Exodus (this is for himself); later, in Deuteronomy, is the reason given for KEEPING the Sabbath day (That was for the Hebrews).
6) Paine continues: "kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known a man by lying with him; but all the women- children that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for Yourselves." He states that because this had the appearance of barbarism, God could not have commanded this; therefore the whole account must be untrue and therefore the whole book untrue and therefore the whole Bible untrue.
Whether Paine likes it or not, the account states that the Israelites were to clean out the land and inhabit it. In those days, these inhabitants practiced forms of worship that were health and life-endangering. As far as archeologists have been able to discover, venereal disease (from their sexual practices) other contagious diseases (from their health/sanitation practices) were rampant throughout this entire region. Why preserve anyone alive? As bad as conditions were, God did NOT want the Israelites to commit genocide. Therefore, they were to preserve alive the young virgin girls---these young woman, being virgins would be free of venereal disease. To preserve alive ALL the children would likely have been a terrible drain on the Israelites to feed, cloth and house all these children, in a desert terrain. In any case, the girls would be taken as wives by the Israelites, have children by them, and thus preserve alive their gene pool. Since all of those people are now dead and gone and their former lands are archeological digs, the Israelites having conquered them and taken them in like this is the ONLY hope they had of their race surviving. What a cooincidence. Paine reports: "that the number of women-children consigned to debauchery by the order of Moses was thirty-two thousand". Well, thirty-two thousand young women preserved alive will likely preserve their gene pool YES? This is NOT genocide NO? The Israelite men were ORDERED to take these women as wives and have children by them, and these children were deemed to have the same rights and privileges as full-blooded Israelite children.
15) Paine cannot find fault with the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, but he has this to say: "But those accounts are nothing to us, nor to any other person, unless it be to the Jews, as a part of the history of their nation; and there is just as much of the word of God in those books as there is in any of the histories of France, or Rapin's history of England, or the history of any other country." Paine does complain that the numbers total of all the families are off by over 12,000 (or 11,000) without taking into account that the first number is "not counting the men and slave girls" and the second number appears to be including them. I see no reason for 30,000 people not to have 12,000 slavesdo you?
SUMMARY: Paine states that because we do not know who actually wrote the books of the Bible (except for Daniel and Ezekiel) then the books are not authentic and have no application to us today as Christians. Lets try an anaology to that. My birth certificate has a seal, and a witness name ascribed to it that says that they say this is a real copy. I do not know who that person is, they live in another state and may very well be dead by now. Does that mena my birth certificate may not be authentic? Possibly. Doe that mean I was actually never born? Hardly!!!
Paine was not able to avail himself of the Bible in its original languages. Nor did he live to see the discovery of Biblical archeological sites over a hundred years after his death. And lastly, he did not live long enough to see the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered, by which he might have had a totally different insight into Biblical historical and cultural application for us today.
And would it have mattered anyway?
Next up: Part 2, the New Testament.
hi bill............. so...... you have the most qualified victims coming to your site........and you give them to attorneys who sue for only................ $ 50.000? in the case of heidi meyer............. and she has to go through hell ......"again"......and be ridiculed in court, and made to expose her most private sensitive issues on how she got molested........ for a lousey $50,000?............
bill, are you scratching the gov bodys back or something?
crawperson, will you knock it off already? You are starting to get on MY nerves, and I'm--or was--one of your biggest supporters on this board.
Is it your intention to alienate all of the nearly 6000 registered users on this board? How about if you settle for half that, you should be able to rack up that many irritated ones by TOMORROW...
women sue jehovah's witnesses.
the associated press, .
no one answered the phone tuesday at the church in , about 60 miles northwest of the twin cities.
((((((((Bill ))))))))))
see ya in New Yawk in September....silentlambs gonna wup their a**es!!!!
i have been pondering the whys of jws who regularly, and not-so regularly post to the board.
the possibility then struck me that maybe they are assigned--have special dispensation--to associate here in order to retrieve any "misguided" or "lost" sheep and bring them back into their fold.
or are they, thenselves, on the edge, wanting the freedom we now have?
(((((((((((( myself )))))))))))
it's interesting that the society uses the "two witness" rule, the apostle paul interprets this differently in 2 corinthians 13:1. he says
"this will be the third time i am coming to you.
"by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.".
as usual, I have to ask you: WHICH BIBLE ARE YOU USING PLEEEEEASE?
this isn't Watchtower, where it can be assumed xxx bible is being used...
so, i see there are people that wish to say i wen't off in to a mindless rant eh?
thanx for filling up my e-mail btw with some of your opinions btw.. 1) i stand by what i first said.
Another good flamewar gone to crap...<groan>
that is the title of one of the current topics at
while the slave trade may not have been condoned by god, article doesn't really answer the question as to why god did not condemn slavery outright.
it seems to me that the bible takes a neutral stand towards slavery, accepting it as a social fact.
If you don't find it at the library, try here...into, and part one and part two. It's a great read. I've been promising to do a review on it.
mailing campaign fallout.
recently, kingdom halls of jehovahs witnesses were the largest group of intended recipients of an international mailing campaign, spanning all fifty states of the united states and including the countries of canada and england.. the results in the us have been interesting, and could have far-reaching effects on our legal system and on the preaching practices of jehovahs witnesses.. over a hundred years ago, a group of evangelical apocryphical persons calling themselves "bible students" began a campaign to sell bible-based literature at homes throughout the united states.
from time to time, their effeorts faced legal challenges, some were won and some were lost, but in general the door-to-door campaigns have continued unabated, with varying degrees of success.
I just think it's hilarious that Watchtower out of one side of their mouth (through Paul Gillies) says "If they don't wants us to call on them, we won't call on them"
but then can someone explain not only, what is in their literature, but the behavior of Witnesses toward their own?
Yeesh....this religion gets more toxic with every passing year. I can't believe Ilived this crap for almost thirty years.
Verily I say unto you, the obnoxiousness of this people is such that IF the world was the horrible place JW's say it is, there wouldn't be a Kingdom Hall left standing in the U.S.