As far as being a "Navel Worshiper"... Do you celebrate "lint"?
Yes, I give regular offerings (of lint) every day!
The Hypno-Toad
curious as to what exwitnesses have become or believe.
i haven't joined any religous group and do not attend any services.
(have visited a church's service)
As far as being a "Navel Worshiper"... Do you celebrate "lint"?
Yes, I give regular offerings (of lint) every day!
The Hypno-Toad
i came across this site and i felt a huge weight come off of my shoulders!
someone understands!
I wanted to jump on the band wagon (just like jumping on the bandwagon of leaving the JW's) too! WELCOME!!!!!!
The Hypno-Toad
do you think it might be appropriate for a large ex-jw convention to be held in 2014 at the hotel in cedar point, ohio?
maybe, thousands attending!
it would give you plenty of time to plan for and give a statement for any familiar with watchtower history!.
I would be inclined to go, its been a few years since I have been to Ceder Point. BUT I won't sit through any talks, experiences maybe, but NO TALKS.
BTW - For those of you who don't know Ceder Point is now a HUGE amusement park.
The Hypno-Toad
i was just wondering, how many dfed to we have on here compared to da or faders??
Technically a fadder (almost all of my family are JW's) but mentally quit about 2 years ago, phisically quite going (stopped cold turkey) about 1 year ago. Told wife I had great doubts little over 1 year ago.
JW 31 years - $1,000,000+
Wife, Kids & myself free at last - PRICELESS!!!!!!
The Hypno-Toad
what did you think you would be doing in the paradise?
like after all the garbage was picked up and the 2nd dead were buried?
i thought i would get a house with a creek running through it and play with animals.
It was never real enough for me to think what I would be doing. BUT I often thought about what I would want it to be like (but I couldn't put myself in the picture).
The Hypno-Toad
the december 15th craptower's message is coming close on the heals of the useless tract that all the dubs have just dropped off on an unsuspecting public.
the january 15th study article is called "the great day of jehovah is near yet again".
*** we are living deep in the "time of the end.
Thank you that made my day! "The end is so close you can touch it with you tongue!" LOL, still thinking how my grandmother said this after the convention.
ken...first i saw your post, and i am sorry the church you tried wasn't for you.
i have been out of the jw's for about 7 1/2 years, and just now felt the urge to go to a church take your time and do what feels right for you :) don't give up.....keep seeking, you will find.. so, about our experience...we went with a non-denominational.
we went with a big reminded me of how the jw's assembly halls are...the decor and the seating.....and the ammount of people.
When both my wife and myself went for the first time to another church we kept our kids with us as well, but we were suprised to find many of the things the JW's said "Christendom" did or didn't do were wrong. They actually used Jehovahs name (my wife and myself looked looked at each other stunned) in one of the first sermons we heard. Now we let our kids goto "Childrens Worship", and our daughter WANT'S to goto church.
past history,.
an incident at my first congregation (stalag 17).
an elder from the platform, obviously trying to encourage the masses, spoke about the brothers in beirut, dodging the bullets to get to the group meeting and how we should be zealous, like these ones, in going to the meetings.. a few weeks later we had a very bad bout of snow, .
Well, I don't wish any harn to anyone, BUT I laughed hard on that one.
I have often thought that missing one meeting wouldn't show my lack of faith but might show stupidity and lack of respect for life in many situations.
i was wondering the other day how many would drink if the kool-aid came out at a future meeting?
you know, they made an announcement that the faithfull and discreet slave had been told that we should all kill ourselves because jehovah did not see the need for us to endure through armageden.
i wonder....30 percent?
I thought about it and came up with my Grandmother and one Aunt that might out of about 50 relatives that are JW's. I think the majority of young JW's wouldn't but some of those who have been JW's for 30+ years if told they would be disfellowshiped and not allowed to be in the resurection would, maybe upwards of 5%. I think of those that died in concentration camps and in South Africa over being a JW.
i am going to church today with my wife.
i was putting on a tie and found my old tie-pin with the hebrew yhwh on it that i had from my jw days.
i thought about wearing it with my tie but just couldn't do it.
Well, I can say for me its equally hard for me. I have found hypocrisy in all churches I have went to since leaving the witness' (I was raised as a JW). I have had difficulties with rules and regulations (southern Baptist no drinking, not that I even drink but if I do have a beer I don't want to think I am sinning). The current church I am going to is a "restoration church", which seems to very open. I don't like that they think tithing is mandatory, but JW's did just not with money they used a persons time and resources (minimum of 10 hours if you wanted to be considered just doing the minimum).