Five years before my appearance before a draft board, the Watchtower Society had quietly and unceremoniously changed Romans 13: 1,2 rather quietly, back to the traditional interpretation Christendom had held for two thousand years! Ironically, the JW texts I was operating from had not been updated to include this change. I found out the hard way. The Watchtower headquarters would not provide me with a membership card nor a letter attesting to my ministerial status. I later found out this was only provided in special cases where a "special Pioneer" was involved who spent 100 to 150 hours monthly knocking doors.
While in prison, I was sexually attacked by a non-JW inmate. I should not have been there in the first place. I had the legal right to serve alternate service working in a hospital--had it not been for the private counsel of my JW elders in strict accord with their covert (by this time) policies on Christian neutrality.
Terry I feel sorry for you, you poor bastard!