JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
Maybe Archie Bunker had it right when he said "England is a Fag Country". LOL -
The 1995 Generation Change
by sloppyjoe2 ini was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting.
everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful.
this is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that i ever had a single doubt.
I have wondered since learning about this new light how people like my parents and relatives reacted all I know is that they are still in lapping it up. All it took for me to realize the GB and the rest of religion was wrong was careful research into evolution.
I guess Finkel is right some people can stomach the lies some can't. I'll bet there are people in North Korea that staunchly believe what they are fed by the regime in power. I don't think it's got anything necessarily to do with intelligence either. We see it here in free countries with the intelligent people swallowing some of the nonsense we see politicians push.
How to get JWs to talk about disfellowship?
by datto ini have heard a lot about disfellowship from forums, blogs & youtube clips.
and all of them are real experiences from ex-jw.
however i have never physically met an ex-jw before.
datto it depends on who you are. If your are newly associated with JWs I am sure they will explain it as a loving provision to get the wayward sheep back into the fold. They will read scriptures about not associating with disfelloshipped or unrepentant wrong doers "not even eating with such a person" to paraphrase.
I'll give an example ask them about a brother or sister that has a recurring addiction to cigarettes. They will explain that you are not supposed to associate or even talk to a sister or brother that has fallen of the wagon and gone back to cigarettes, family or not doesn't matter.
If you have been associated with witnesses for a longer period of time you should already know these things.
What kind of errors in the Bible?
by TheWonderofYou inthe new testament specialist daniel wallace notes that although there are about 300,000 individual variations of the text of the new testament, this number is very misleading.
most of the differences are completely inconsequential--spelling errors, inverted phrases and the like.
a side by side comparison between the two main text families (the majority text and the modern critical text) shows agreement a full 98% of the time.[18].
In the beginning god created the heavens and the .........
The word In might be historically accurate? As for the rest of it....... pure lies.
The end of a Chinese 'nail' house
by fulltimestudent indisputes between residents of resumed property in china, often become dramatic, as in these two cases.. .
these problems are not unique to china, but can arise in any society when the community (government) wants to use the land on which a house stands for somethings different (e.g.
a new school, roads, railways, etc).
Full time student
Your posts on this site are appreciated by me and others I am sure. Thank U
@ RC: "For evolution to be true..."
by Scully inaccording to a jw contact, one of the speakers at the regional conventiontm stated that "for evolution to be true, two of the same kind would have had to evolve at the same time; one would have to be male and the other would have to be female, and then they would have to find each other".
apparently the crowd had a good laugh over how evolutionists overlook such a simple "fact".. i mentioned that bacteria and viruses use asexual reproduction, and that many sea creatures / fish, etc.
are hermaphrodite and do not require a sexual partner to produce offspring.. oddly enough, the conversation stopped there.
It's not that hard to realize how evolution works, even with languages.
The governing body know that to understand and translate a language it's most efficient to go to the source where the language developed. No different than studying the evolution and development of diseases and microorganisms.
My sister is being harassed by the elders
by opusdei1972 insometime ago i wrote here in this forum about the case of my sister, who decided to stop attending the meetings because she realised that the watchtower society is an evil organization.
this happened more than one year ago.
i am not living in the same country of my sister, so i learn about her case when she calls me or when she write me through whatsapp.
I don't know if the correct English word for that is "molestation".
Maybe the correct English word you are looking for is harassment?
I'm not sure how to advise you on how things work legally in Latin Countries. It seems to me though, that if she is being chased down and intimidated by a bunch of men she may have a card to play.
Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse
by Richard_I inthis is in the july 2015 monthly program on cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
You've got to remember this organization did a lot bullshitting to lure in its devoted adherents, its a religion of pretentious righteous Cognitive dissonance is probably spreading in a vast majority of the membership, particularly in the body of the long time members.
Finkelstein I agree the long time members must feel like their in a real trap. We have all read reports of elders who are members here that were or are long time "members". I can't imagine the feelings that these people must have when they learn TTATT and think of the people and families they successfully brought into this cult and are still in.
Have Anglosphere (USA+UK) sanctions against Russia failed?
by fulltimestudent inits fair to say that western sanctions have hurt the russian economy and made life a little more difficult for ordinary russian families, but as far as causing a political/economic collapse of russia - there is not much evidence that the sanctions are causing grief in russia.. and when you examine 'deals' that russia has made since the sanctions were authorised, it may be that russia is ahead of the game.. it can be suggested that sanctions are a very weak tool.
famously, sanctions have not worked against china (back in mao's time), cuba or north korea.
they weakened iraq, but caused the 2nd world economy then operating, and helped push iraq back into anarchy.
If the Chinese the Russians the Indians and Saudis strike many more of these deals and use their own currencies for their trades it's not going to be pretty picture in the Anglosphere. That's If they can learn to trust one another and that's a big if! -
Have Anglosphere (USA+UK) sanctions against Russia failed?
by fulltimestudent inits fair to say that western sanctions have hurt the russian economy and made life a little more difficult for ordinary russian families, but as far as causing a political/economic collapse of russia - there is not much evidence that the sanctions are causing grief in russia.. and when you examine 'deals' that russia has made since the sanctions were authorised, it may be that russia is ahead of the game.. it can be suggested that sanctions are a very weak tool.
famously, sanctions have not worked against china (back in mao's time), cuba or north korea.
they weakened iraq, but caused the 2nd world economy then operating, and helped push iraq back into anarchy.
It's very difficult to impose any effective sanctions on a country with so much natural resources. History tells us that the Russians themselves are their own worst enemy. The sanctions imposed are probably just window dressing to make a few politicians feel better about themselves.