JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Rasputin and Serums and Herbs--Oh My!
by rebel8 ini have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
Hey there How does diet prevent Type 1 diabetes? -
Experience in a talk
by Da.Furious inlast week we had an elder giving a talk, cant remember the title.. the thing that was of interest is the experience he gave:.
"a brother who was working in a hospital had to leave his job which was paying him good money because the nurses wanted to sleep with him and they kept putting notes for him on his desk!".
this is not the first time i hear similar experience.
The only time I was ever propositioned at work was when I was eating lunch and a young woman a prostitute came up to my vehicle and propositioned me. I rolled the window up she moved on put her thumb out and an eighteen wheeler picked her up. He honked his horn incessantly. -
Arranged Marriages by Jehovahs Witnesses
by Atlantis ina reporter did a story on arranged marriages in canada.
lady lee's story is at the top .
.. .. atlantis!.
The article is from Macleans magazine. Take it with a grain of salt. The print media in Canada does not hold the esteem it once did. News papers and magazines here are fading out. -
Experience in a talk
by Da.Furious inlast week we had an elder giving a talk, cant remember the title.. the thing that was of interest is the experience he gave:.
"a brother who was working in a hospital had to leave his job which was paying him good money because the nurses wanted to sleep with him and they kept putting notes for him on his desk!".
this is not the first time i hear similar experience.
They give the impression that "Worldly" women are sex mad harpy's
As I recall it was the young witness girls who were the sex starved harpy's.
I like the spell check when composing messages. I used to type every thing in word and then paste. Computers have made me so lazy! -
WTS leader rants against higher education
by hoser inon jw tv.
anthony morris is ranting against higher education.
he is blaming parents for enrolling their kids in college.
Best would be if Morris and Lett are together in a JW tv show.
That has some real funny potential LOL I think I might even be able to stomach watching 15 or 20 minutes of that.
Negative forum behavior
by Simon inanother good codinghorror blog entry perfectly describes some people's online behaviour and an approach to handling it.
i'll post part of it below but to summarize, these tend to be behaviours that don't violate any specific rules as such as the people doing it try to carefully skate just up to the line but they are nevertheless disruptive and we're not going to tolerate them on this site.
if you are here to do these things then this isn't the site for you - move along, find someplace else on the internet to inhabit.. hate is easy to recognize.
I get it Simon. -
Feb Kingdom Ministry 2015: Irate Householders - why so angry?
by Trailer Park Pioneer infeb kingdom ministry 2015, irate householders, "we don't apologize for our work", "did they hear rumors about jws"?
why so angry?
blood or disfellowshipping?.
Billy I know its crazy. I feel sorry for you wasting the part of your life that you wasted at Bethel. -
Note this statement on "One member of the GB of JWs repeated the well-known saying: 'To know where we are going...
by AndersonsInfo2 in"one member of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses repeated the well-known saying: 'to know where we are going, we have to know where we have come from.'".
you will find this statement on - under activities - the museum - "a tour through time.
there is featuring a slick advertisement for the tour at brooklyn, bethel, of watchtower's museum containing their version of the history of the organization.
I wish I would have read them as a kid.
Billy that's true, but reading them as a young boy when the whole world was outside for discovery and having very little experience at anything, reading "studies in the scriptures" seemed pretty boring after a few minutes. I just wanted to go outside and tear up the ground.LOL
I am in my fifties now and you would have to hold me at gun point to make me read it.
Good Netflix shows to watch
by Simon inin the long winter nights you need some good tv shows to watch while you wait for the eternity between seasons of game of thrones.. we've watched marco polo (pretty good) and have just started watching orange is the new black which is not at all what i imagined (didn't know it was funny!).
house of cards is on the list too as we've heard good things about that.. anyone have any others that are worth seeing?.
I was just reading on the internet that the crtc is trying to limit Canadian access to U.S, shows on Net Flix. I'm not surprised. Sigh