JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
AMGIII: FS is not dogmatic, just obey!
by Gorbatchov indid just seen the new amgiii broadcast about the difference between dogma and obey.. "the faithfull slave is not dogmatic, you just have to obey!!!
" .
Gorbatchov That's too funny! -
Day Text - Sept. 19, 2015 - Obey even if not appear practical, sound, or strategic from a human standpoint - Reminder from WT 2013 Nov.15
by Muddy Waters inday text -- saturday, september 19 - "he will certainly bring about deliverance from the assyrian."mic.
today, jehovah certainly has provided an abundance of spiritual men to shepherd his precious sheep, to strengthen his people for the future attack of the modern-day assyrian.
the most practical step that we can take to prepare for the coming attack of the assyrian is that of strengthening our faith in god and helping our brothers to do the same.
Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. w13 11/15 3:16, 17
This tripe just keeps on going. Understandable speech, literacy, possession of material things beneficial to our survival and human institutions are all the result of secular education. So lets adjust our thinking and have none of them see how that goes!
Won't get fooled again ...Moon Landing.
by The Rebel inso i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
Ding! Ding! 530 and counting. LOL -
Do you feel embarrsed?
by The Rebel inwhen you look through a keyhole, and see the person you once were?.
as for myself, i am just pleased i have mended my ways.
i realise ( now) my time as a witness was a keyhole that looked in to the ground, and licked the elders arse.
eyeused2badub:I think that all of us raised as dubs were embarrassed at one time of another because of our bizarre beliefs. I sure was. It was part of our jw culture. Being 'different' was to be worn as a badge of courage in jw-land.
Ditto exactly for me. If I had felt even a hint that the Dubs bizarre beliefs were true, all of the ridicule and condescension endured by me as a child would have been worth it and I would never have left. it's like being in prison.
After the yellow star,
by The Rebel ini am the new vermin.. of course by disfellowshipping myself i don't need put a yellow star on my jacket.
but i am identifying myself to be looked at and resented like people did with the jews.. yes i am overdramatising my possible misfortune.
i will still be allowed on the buses, to visit the zoo, and such places that were deprived the sight of jewish families.
Prologos:I distinctly remember the day (in 1938 I believe) when the yellow star appeared in our street. I was told to not show the courtesy of opening the door for the good people that now wore that marker. the two intertwined triangles. So I am with you in those feelings. I have been there.
I am not old enough to have memories of things like that. I do feel fortunate though to be part of your overlapping generation as you no doubt must feel fortunate to be part of the WW1 overlapping generation.
by awokenjw ini am a new member to this forum.
i am a current jw who is currently struggling to leave or stay, depends on how you want to look at it.
i have created a new blog, to allow me to have an outlet for the cognitive dissonance in my brain.
Welcome. You are among friends who can sympathize with the mental tug of war going on in your head. Many here have been through it themselves. -
Does anyone pray and if so to who?
by duc007az init's been years since i've prayed and the last one i prayed to was the god known as jehovah.
just wondering.
Do I prey? No, I wouldn't know who to pray to and for what purpose. The closest I come are little thought experiments that I have but the conversations in my mentally diseased mind .are always with myself. -
Elusive happiness teaches a hidden truth!
by iconoclastic inmany seek happiness externally and many a time assign others the possession of their happiness.
when they derive a sort of happiness from external sources, they dont feel satisfied, hence jump to the next and then to the next .... in contrast, jesus said gods kingdom (or real happiness) is within (entos) you.
this cannot be misinterpreted as jesus being the king of the kingdom was amidst them as jws do.
VillageIdiot: He wouldn't last a minute on a JW website. Only here would he be put up with.
You are probably right village, I don't know because I have never attempted to post anything on a JW website. I don't mind hearing things from other posters that I disagree with, If reading what I feel are laughable and futile attempts at cult recruitment on here are the price we have to pay to keep an open mind then so be it.
Participate In The EX-JW Personality Test!
by C0ntr013r infirst of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .
Anybody try answering the questions falsely just to see what you would get? I slide the indicator in all questions all the way to the left and then the right. When everything was answered to the left I was deemed a leader when I pushed the indicator to the right I was deemed a good architectural candidate.
What seemed even stranger was the comments at the bottom of each test result page. They all seemed to be a little flattered and agreed that the test nailed their personality to a tee. Now either the test is amazingly accurate or its just little demonstration of our inherent narcissistic tendencies.
I know, I know, my wife would say "spoken like a true Taurus" LOL.
Here's an idea to make money off of JWs
by Funchback inan ex-jw ("apostate") should create a competitive business selling jw-related products as found on this site (check out the prices!!!):.
of course, you'd never mention anything about your "apostate" status.
Funchback before launching a website selling things like that you'd better check into copyright infringements and things along this line. The wtbts would be right along to collect their share of the profits if it were successful.