JoinedTopics Started by found-my-way
Share your DREAM / NIGHTMARE about meetings / conventions / JC's, etc.
by found-my-way ini'll share a dream i just awoke from about an hour ago:.
i was driving in a van, and there was this man undercover in the van who was on a mission of somesort.... they were following a van driving beside us, and there was a man in that van drawing on the window with a large crayon, he was drawing a detailed and realistic mural of rainbows, flowers and butterflies...they were following this man for some reason.
ok, i guess my mind went in a weird direction after this... (the roads we are driving are completely new to me and unfamiliar) we pull up to the kindom hall and my assignment was to do recon on the the co, as he was reportedly doing some weird things.... so i get there intime for the meeting, i am dressed as a sister, i blend in, and am greeted as a visitor.
The Cowboy
by found-my-way ina successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted .
she was determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about .
Did God ever Exist?
by found-my-way inreading so many posts on atheism which is the belief that there is no god, and reading comments from creationists made me ponder if there was an alternate reason for our existence.. if god is up there, why does he permit suffering?
if i were god, i wouldn't of let it happen in the first place, these are my children, why would i let them suffer?
maybe i am influenced by my creationist upbringing and beliefs while a jw, because i find it hard to wrap my brain around the idea that everything came from nothing.
To ayhra, please read this.
by found-my-way inayhra, .
please dont do anything rash, like hurting yourself, or killing yourself, .
this is a permanent solution.
funny.....had to share it...
by found-my-way ina blonde man showed up at work one day with a black eye.
>>co-workers saw him they asked him what had happened.
he told them .
book: What the Bible Really Teaches - help
by found-my-way ini have been told to study this book with a sister so that i may can be indoctrinatedadjusted according to bullshitaccurate knowledge.. i dont have this book, nor do i remember reading it, or studying it, just wanted a head's up from those of you who may have it, or know where i can read a copy of it online...any help is really appreciated.. thank you in advance!.
Posting Abbreviations / Acronyms
by found-my-way inim sure there is a thread discussing this topic (someone link me?
) i did look but didnt see anything recent.... i always wondered what ''r & f'' stood for, when talking about jw members...does it mean righteous and faithful?.