Reading so many posts on atheism which is the belief that there is no god, and reading comments from creationists made me ponder if there was an alternate reason for our existence.
If God is up there, why does he permit suffering? If I were God, I wouldn't of let it happen in the first place, these are my children, why would I let them suffer?
Maybe I am influenced by my creationist upbringing and beliefs while a JW, because I find it hard to wrap my brain around the idea that everything came from nothing. That all of the awesome power of the universe simply came to be. I'm sure my theory is not new...but before I thought of it, I had never read about it anywhere...nor had ever thought about it before until now....
There was a very powerful intelligent being, and it was the source of all the power, all the elements, every micron and atom in our universe. Billions and billions of year ago, this creator explodes, giving all of it's power to space, creating the building blocks of life, creating which took eons to develope...and here we are now, and that is why ''god'' isn't in the picture, That is why there is no answer to our prayers, no supreme being to show us IT EXISTS because It died the very day It created life...the greatest act of love..It's death was for our life...and that is why so many believe that god is within us all, within all the wonderful beautiful creation, in the stars we see at night, all the beauty and the ugliness that surrounds a way, we are all made up of the fabric that was god...
just a random thought I had tonight that I wanted to share...