butalbee: Hell, no. I ain't looking for nothing. Actually, what I was hoping to do was post a profile and get people to write me (or vice versa) and then I spring it on them with some "apostate" crap and remind them that they are doing something that could be considered a walk on the wild, worldly side of life.
But alas, you must pay to have any contact. So once again, the GBs find another way to fleece their clueless flock. Like, "Let's get rid of the convention food tickets, but how do we make money?" "Oh, I know, let's start a dating service for our clueless single folks."
But hey, wouldn't be kind of fun to string some brother along, get him hot and bothered and then reveal you ain't a JW sister? I know, I'm a f&*$ing b@#$%$^, but I enjoy getting JWs rattled, especially the sexist, clueless brothers. This also should work for the sisters.
plmkrzy: Lingerie parties? You mean the sisters actually had/have some? Isn't that something you could get DFed for? Or, at the very least, the sisters find their asses hauled into a JC meeting and having to give details, esp. the model, and maybe give pictures or something? (I mean, imagine what those elders think they find out that their wives were getting to do something "immoral" and they weren't invited? And what about the closeted lesbian sisters who go to the party? You gotta imagine that must a "test of faith" kind of thing that could "lead them astray".)
sweetpea: Yeah, Denver rocks...got the mountains nearby, more days of sunshine than Florida, but all those damn L.A. people movin' in before I went to China just f&*$ed things up though...and Denver's better than Salt Lake City any day. I know, I used to live in that area for two years.
LB: Don't you remember the JWMatch.com thread awhile back and plenty of people went cruising. I just wanted to go trolling there, but gotta pay and I'm in China with no credit card.
No, I don't think in that photo they're 36s either...gotta be plastic surgery...or she's measuring in centimeters!
You serious about this being a regular feature?
[to no one in particular]
You know, I guess it's the writer in me and there's gotta be a worthwhile story that could come out of this...people gettin' online to find love. Something about it just bugs me, kind of creepy. I mean, what if you write each or chat or whatever and then you mean in real life and bam no chemistry. What a downer, heh.