rocky 220
well, can you believe it, it has been a year since i timidly joined this forum!
(yes me, i was very timid at first!
i came looking to see if anyone else had the same experience as me in finding out that the wtbts is just another manmade organization with dangling carrots and big sticks.
rocky 220
the decline of the jws has been discussed before in bits and pieces.
i thought i would summarize some of the "signs of the times".
1. there is been no growth in 24 internet connected countries.
That's right Benext......You cant cry "WOLF!" too many times and Wolf dont come, just make sure that when it does come ,WT needs to make sure that they are not the ones devoured!!!!!!And by the way Hi stranger!!!!!.......rocky220
i got this from my mother in an e-mail.
yes, that's right, my mom sent it to me.
she wrote in the subject line..................i knew there had to be a reason for the shape i'm in {lack of}.
dont get me started!......and Mr.Dakota Red, I seem to remember a certain photo where you had a large cactus with a very interesting shape between your legs, I'm still smiling..........rocky220
heres a story of what happened to me at a district convention this year.. an unbaptised publisher and i travelled to wolverhampton district convention in england.
this wasnt our district but id been on holiday and had missed my own district convention (how unspiritual of me).
so me and this friend decided to go to this convention and was also hoping to meet a friend there.. on the saturday morning we were delayed in traffic and we eventually arrived at 11.30am, paid our 3 for parking (i wonder if they had the use of car parks for free?
It seems to me, that WT has a lot to worry about, apostates or not......whether it be flyers, pamphlets or the internet.....they will be exposed one way or another. The lies must stop. No more sweeping under the rug....sex abuse scandal, UN ties, US Navy contracts, disfellowship & shunning policies,sexism, tax problem in France, on and on......sooner or later like a sewer, it all backs up!
stupid rules list....
i will start.... number 1) two people have to witness a sin before it is reported to the superior authorities....making me the org the last word in all areas.. the most stupid rule gets to post it once the gb has judged it the most stupid?
maybe simon will be one of the judges..... breeze
Yeah, I got a goodie......If you are in the "BORG" and your husband or wife gets a little too freaky-deaky in the bedroom, and you cant handle it.....you run and tell the elders so they can first get off on the story, then after they take a cold shower, tell your spouse how that's a no-no and keep it "simple" in the bedroom, like a good little dubbie.......if they dont kick you out!...rocky220
some fundamentalists believe halloween is the devil's holiday.so are you doing anything on halloween?
Halloween was deemed "Satanic" by early "christian" conquerers, forcing the pagan peoples to convert....this festival was originally to commemorate their ancestors. The belief was that once a year, during the full moon of Samhain, one could remember and celebrate all the wonderful teachings, customs, and wisdom left by one's elders who passed on. So knowing that.....of course I'm celebrating Halloween.........rocky220
according to http://abcnews.go.com/wire/world/ap20021021_524.html this article at abcnews.
isn't the term 'french army deserter' an oxymoron?
Ay Caramba!!!!!!!! rocky220
in a congregation near to me, an elders son made headline news in the local paper after mugging someone to steal their wallet and coat.
although the newspaper named him and reported that he had been arrested for the said crimes, an elder made a serious toned announcement at the following thursday meeting that any gossip about the matter would be speculation and possible slander and went on to admonish everyone from the bible to not carry on loose talk.. the reason i bring this up is not becuase of the conduct of the lad who had obviously decided to leave the land of jw, but the announcement.
the fact it was an elders son got this special attention - at least i think so.
If this was an elders' son, isn't customary that the elder step down? Or are they playing favorites?
inquiring mind wants to know.......I knew a case where an elder had to step down for a much less alleged offense on behalf of his adult & married daughter...[suspicion of pre-marital sex before the wedding, mind you, she had 2 daughters out of wedlock prior to this and was not kicked out].. just more WT...BS.....rocky220
i have been searching for a job since march, and finally got one waiting tables at a pool hall.
they fired me today due to "pushing" someone that i asked to excuse me.
then i was told that my "attitude" was a reason.
Guess what sista', don't worry to hard, who knows, that place by suffer a shootout or something and glory be you are not in it......God dont like ugly.....and you my precious, something is coming down the pike for you, bigger and better, so dont cry no more!!!!!!!! Just get ready for the next one!!!!!!
((((((((((Jesika))))))))))))).....rocky220 [ps] if you were off that !@#@#$%$% phone, I'd talk to ya'!
that's right folks!
someone at headquarters doesn't like them.
try finding them in the publications that show pictures of the new system.