they might look like this-------
WITH A BIG SMILE!!!!! rocky220
they might look like this-------
WITH A BIG SMILE!!!!! rocky220
i forgot how ridiculously fictional and manipulative this drama was until i just typed up these notes:.
jonathan enters, and everything is better.
Kingdom vs Education........hmmmm.
According to what WTBS has been saying all these decades is that and apocalyptic event is sure to come!
So, there will be a vast destruction of infrastructure globally...that's the "theory" or prophecy. Fine, isn't reasonable then construction engineers, electricians, plumbers needed and all the machinery if found to run..... not to mention health professionals to deal with the wounded survivors, maybe it's just me but these people dont learn these skills just selling watchtowers and awakes. And furthermore, doesn't this hogwash sound familiar to the prior 1975 fiasco????? Dubbies need to wake up for real!!!!!!!! or maybe WTBS is as disconnected as the thinks. Me, I'll be keeping my Reader's Digest "How To Fix It" books never know [lol]. rocky220
i've heard various suggestions of movies to show a dub.. those of us with a spouse / family in the borg might find it pretty useful to rent such movies as just another way of chipping away at the indoctrination, or drawing attention to the wts control tactics.. one movie i saw which was somewhat helpful was one called "equilibrium", which was suggested on this board a while back.
its about a society that has acheived peace and order by requiring everyone to repress their emotions through sedatory drugs.
the good thing about this one was when it showed how everyone was so indoctrinated to follow the directives of the organization in charge, with every person keeping an eye on everyone else.
"The Day After Tomorrow"
there can be little doubt that the wts 'shunning' policy is a dangerous weapon.
each year tens of thousands of people are disfellowshipped, and experience the reality of being shunned.
many of them still believing the wts doctrine that if they die in this condition they will shortly be executed by god at har-meggedon and die an eternal and disgraceful death some leaving the faith altogether.
It was so long ago, in 1978, all i could think of was getting out. When my mother interfered by divulging to the elders my intentions of leaving it just increase my resolve to free myself from the great hypocracy, and falsehood of their profecy of 1975.......armageddon [3yrs late]. When the JC "ambushed" me at my apartment after a hard days work threatening me with d'fing, I just dismissed them and closed the door in their face and never felt more relieved and empowered in my life, I truly began to live! rocky 220
Sounds smurfolicious!!!!! rocky220
most persons, imo, are pressured to get baptized.
they are told they "should be ready".
children are made to feel that jehovah will not protect them any longer at a certain age.
No, but at 12yrs old, I should have been stopped dead in my tracks. What the hell does a 12yr old know about such serious commitments like this. Your just set up to fail. Then again with such lofty expectations from this deluded organization, eventually reality does take over..........rocky220
just saw this on cnn . .
he's beamed aboard that great starship in the sky....
He was one of my favorite characters on Star Trek!!! Rocky220
i had never heard this before, but according to royston pike those were russell's last words.
can anyone verify this, or show where this story comes from?
I'm glad I'm all alone in my office......ROFLMAO.........!!!!!!!! You guys are sooooooo bad!!!!!Rocky220
i stumbled across what appears to be a website maintained by a jw circuit overseer.
on it he includes what looks like a question from readers.
it has very strong things to say about the 'beastliness' of cats--and why christians should consider whether or not it is proper to have them in our homes.
When will the Borg's stupidity and backwardness end???????? when when when.....ah yes i know.....
when R&F says..."arma-geddon outa here!!!!" [lol] R.
It help me make an informed decision whether or not return to the Borganization and to realized how low this entity has fallen...........the [real] Truth shall set you free. rocky220