Just saw this on CNN
He's beamed aboard that Great Starship in the Sky....
James Doohan - Star Trek's "Scotty" Dies
by El Kabong 24 Replies latest jw friends
El Kabong
How sad!
Very sad.
He was an American Icon.
Oh no , not the ,, I'll do the best i can captian, and the, Beam me up Scotty. Tis a sad day for Treckies.
Gosh, I never heard about the D-Day story! That's pretty amazing!
I met him once at a Star Trek convention, but I think he wasn't in a good mood that day, or I seemed to be an especially annoying Trekkie. ;-)
Star Trek was my favorite show as a teen. I'm very sad...although, I'm sure that it's best that he's at rest now. Alzheimer's had already taken his life.
Now that is 2 of the main characters that have died. But Star Trek will live on.
Thanks Scotty for the memories.
The Dilithium crystals are burning up Capt'n...she can't take much more....I don't have the power!
u/d (of the likes fake Scot's too class)
Big Dog
I'm thinking bagpipes playing Taps would be fitting. Godspeed and smooth sailing Scotty.