my life has changed so much for the good - the stress that has left my life is amazing - it was a little tough a first "going it on my own" as it were but wow life outside of their control is fantastic!!!
while in the org we are constantly told that if we just tow the line and behave that will we be blessed and everything we want will come to us.
personaly i havn't found that to be the case in the 30 years i spent trying to tow the line.. but now i've left wonderfull things are starting to happen in my life and i'm so very happy!.
so i wondered, have you encountered more "blessings" or less since leaving?.
i was baptized at the 1976 "sacret secret" dc at inglewood ca there must have been 50,000 people there..
well i did it today - having said to myself all week i would not go to a church this sunday i decided to go - it became a very moving experience for someone who does not normally get "moved"!.
after removing myself from the jws over the last few years i have started to attend a local church (nazerene - as close to non denominational as we have around here) - i stay un involved with any day to day activities just attend services 2/3 times a month - always have avoided any communion services - till today - having sat quietly by as most in attendance filed through for the wine/bread i felt moved to partake myself - i came to see that jesus had died for me and i can acknowledge this by taking the symbols - after over 30 years of being excluded/not allowed to even think of this involving me - i cried as i dipped my 1/2 inch circle of bread into the glass - returned to my seat and quietly wept - i felt so happy and yet sad too - .
i really cannot explain how i feel now today but wanted to share my days event - i am in a good place today but when things happen as today i really see the negative effects the jws had on our lives - their going beyond the written word dictating a persons daily choices is beyond excuse -.
Well I did it today - having said to myself all week I would not go to a Church this sunday I decided to go - it became a very moving experience for someone who does not normally get "moved"!
After removing myself from the JWs over the last few years I have started to attend a local church (Nazerene - as close to non denominational as we have around here) - I stay un involved with any day to day activities just attend services 2/3 times a month - always have avoided any communion services - till today - having sat quietly by as most in attendance filed through for the wine/bread I felt moved to partake myself - I came to see that Jesus had died for me and I can acknowledge this by taking the symbols - after over 30 years of being excluded/not allowed to even think of this involving me - I cried as I dipped my 1/2 inch circle of bread into the glass - returned to my seat and quietly wept - I felt so happy and yet sad too -
I really cannot explain how I feel now today but wanted to share my days event - I am in a good place today but when things happen as today I really see the negative effects the JWs had on our lives - their going beyond the written word dictating a persons daily choices is beyond excuse -
Anyway enough rambling - today Jesus death became real to me after 30+ years of JW BS I had never truly even appreciated this sacrifice but today through a much maligned by JWs, "Easter" service I felt and understood something that no Memorial service or Watchtower had ever shown me!
Trying to live one day at a time
i know the society tells people not to listen to rock n roll cause its from teh satan, not to watch r rated movies because they're "worldly", etc.
but i was wondering if folks had any specific instances where one song, one show, one movie, or whatever was singled out as being particularly 'evil', and banned on an individual basis?
i was never a jw, but was in the worldwide church of god...the two are rather similar, i've seen many (and made quite a few myself) comparisons on the board; and i can remember as a child that every once in a while certain things would get brought up as being more evil and worldly than others.. examples of specific bans:.
What a great read - these are so funny - and I do remember some of them - also lost some Vinyl in the days following conventions!!!
Beep,Beep - do not know which cong you were in but I am jealous - lived in SouthAfrica and UK growing up - remember many bans on fun entertainment - now live in the USA and there too, many bans - in fact remember some elders just before I exited sharing how they sacrificed willingly their Eagles albums as they were demonistic - they were counseling me that I worked too much (also demon inspired) and should give things up for Jehovah!!! Hell I thought I can work less but you are not having my Eagles CDs!!!!
Also remember "oficially" from the DC platform that AC/DC was "anti christ/devils child" - where did they dream up this BS? wonder what they think BS means!!!
Patient (ly) laughing all the way through this thread!!
dear friends,.
i have begun reading one day at a time in al-anon, hoping it will help me deal with an alcoholic's destructive behavior, which has been visited upon me and friends for too long a time.
obviously we care about him, but his influence with or without alcohol has shaken us badly.
C Complex - WELCOME - Welcome to a new way to live - that is what Al-Anon will give you
The program is about YOU not anyone else - it has given me a new way to live and in reality saved my live - as said in earlier post it will benefit you in all relationships not just those with the addicted one in your life
Al-Anon opened my eyes to a world that accepted individuals and did not judge them - in doing so this program showed me the light needed to "desire" to move on from the destructive thinking I had learned as a JW - acceptance, detachment and love are the basics of the program and for me I will keep going back....... and that is all anyone needs to do to benifit from the steps - In my home Al-Anon is viewed as a gift from above and renewed my desire to believe in a higher power........
hello all...i've been searching for some sort of comfort in my situation.
i found a story written by "iamfreenow" aka marion.
i found some comfort to know that i am not alone in my challenging of my faith.
Sorry to hear of you sadness - in time it will pass - not much comfort for now, sorry but knowing you are going in the right direction may give you comfort - as you develop and build a life beyond the "control" of the JW machine you will become a free spirit enjoying life ever more as each days passes - believe me after 30 some years blinded by the mind control tactics - I for the last few years "one day at a time" have been gaining my life and my personality which had till then been dictated by the Society rules!
Also if you have had the fortune to be involved in a 12 step program as part of your recovery (if you have not yet look up an "Al-Anon" meeting they are great for Ex JWs in more ways than you can imagine) - you will have began to understand the concept of acceptance, equality and forgiveness that our creator has blessed us with - for me learning that we are each acceptable to God as he created us made me more determined to accept and love others as they are - those who cannot accept us (you) as we (you) are - they are the ones losing out and there are better friends to be had - as hard as the transition is it is worth the effort
Kind thoughts go to you from me....
can anyone compile a list of as many as possible past and present co/do's from the uk?
I used to live in Crewe Cheshire and some names come to mind - suprised I cannot remember more as they always stayed with us! Torture at times!!!
Stan Woodburn - awesome chap (we had lived in South Africa and knew him from there) - seemed very easy going and love his wine (I think it was wine but he loved a lot of it!!!
Ed Kerr - seemed kind of stern but friendly for an circuit "officer" (oops overseer)
Patient, Michigan USA
my nissan sentra (2000) failed the smog test.
the "check engine" light has been on for a few months now.. i just had it checked out this morning and i was told i need to replace the air flow meter sensor.. the estimate was $400 for a rebuilt-part and $600 for a brand new one.. does this sound right?
can somebody explain to me what this part's function is?.
I own a couple of car dealerships and deal with these issues all the time - here is my best advice - first it is your MASS AIRFLOW METER that is bad - not anything to do with OXYGEN SENSORS - the Mass Airflow Meter works as part of the electronic fuel injection system and meters the air in relation to the petrol injected into the engine for combustion - it varies the amount of air flow at all times according to various conditions indicated by other sensors.
Go to an online Auto Parts retailer - here is a link but the are many - search google "nissan parts new" to find them (order from one outside your state and save the sales tax!) - or similar - their price for your part is $266 - order the part then find some hany friend who has a screw driver set and have him install it - it will take ten minutes and cost you a six pack if that - easy job - then to reset the "Check Engine" light - discoonnect the negative battery cable for about 15 seconds and reconnect it - this will reset the computer and you will be all set - saves you $$$ and by installing a new part you will be assured of its operation - good luck
Patient, Michigan
i am planning on joining the local chapter of the ymca....could i be df'd if found out?
I have had personal experience with this a few years ago - I am now DF for other BS reasons but that was the best thing to ever happen to me!!! - anyway to the YMCA - I had a membership so my wife could get the kids swimming lessons - they discovered it and it was a huge issue - they even made me produce a copy of my letter to end my membership or they said they would DF me for "interfaith"!! - cannot believe I took that crap from them - looking back they treat adults as naughty little children if not worse!!!
Having a meetup of local EX JWs from the Mid Michigan area January 20th - go to for info
Patient, Michigan
6 months ago i was d'fd and i am right now confused as to what i want to do cuse i can put my letter in for reinstatement now but i just dont know if that would be the best desicion for me.
one side of me says go back to the jw org and do all that i can in the org so that i can make it to the paradise.
but then one side says just do what u want to do til u die.
MsMcDucket says it best - "if in doubt do now't!" - I have lived by this for a few years now and find myself not making desicions I later regret as applying this gives me time to decide what "I" want/need to do for me.
When I was 18 I faced the same decision as you and because I belived had no where to go (no life outside the org) I was reinstated. That decision bound me to the watchtower organization for the next 18 years! I now know I did have a life but I was at the time blinded by the mind control tactics of the WT - they "instill" in us from children that there is no profit in anyhting that is not sanctioned by them (on a side note after withdrawing from the for the last 3 years I am still deprograming my now 8 year old son! it is powerful!). It seems that once I was reinstated from then on I was constantly drawn deeper into the religion - it was not until I was DF again (for BS reasons I might add - but it did set me free) that I was forced to LIVE life and realized that there was better life outside the WT.
I was always told I was too serious and never smiled while associated with WT - now I am happier - I smile - I live life/love life! - I do not fear the future. My mother who is an old time JW got in a conversation with me recently and she acknowledged the elders jealous pursuit of me over trivial matters (I am a successful business person and they are not!) and I told her that their DF'ing me is the biggest blessing I have ever received - she about choked that I could say that and mean it! But I am honest and open with my family and they now give me more respect as a DF'd individual than as a JW - I am now human not a imperfect JW - it is truly amazing.
So unlike many posters (and I respect their opinions and reasons) - I WILL tell you what I think you should do (remember its only what I think and you have to make your own decisions) - get as far away as you can you have been given a chance to live - it is scary at first but use your head find good (by your standards) friends and activities - remembering things do not change overnight - they take time but you have a head start in the right direction - also there are support groups for EX-JWs (not raging appostates as the WT want you to think) (check out but real concerned, loving sometimes damaged people who can help you! Also I found help in a 12 step recovery program called Al-Anon which can help with the co-dependant tendancies we have from years of WT abuse.
But whatever you do - do not do anything till you have thought about it and remember put yourself first - thats rigth be selfish do things for your benefit - take care of you - it is not always easy to do but YOU are worth it!!!
Kind thoughts - Happy Holidays
Patient, Michigan