Even though I don't know any of you and none of you know me, I'LL NEVER TELL!
JoinedPosts by Dutchie
Erica on witness stand
by Dogpatch inhey!.
after searching for it for a long time, since it was supposed to be on his site, i just found the testimony on the stand of erica, one of silentlambs' victims.
pretty emotional stuff!
Heartbreaking. I felt like crying with her.
For those who've left - any regrets?
by starfish422 ini left almost nine years ago at age 18; my only real regret was that i was good friends with a young brother and i never said goodbye to him, or even let him know that i was planning to leave (had to leave my parents' home secretly while they were at the meeting one sunday; they had such a hold over me that i could never have stood up to them and told them beforehand).
i have no other regrets about leaving; i'm am now happily agnostic and so thankful that i found the strength to break free.. anyone have any similar regrets?
The regret I have is not from leaving the organization, its that I sometimes miss the friends I saw week after week after week and the interaction with them. Even though now I realize that they were not real "friends", you kind the kind that stick by you no matter what, when you grow up as a JW you don't know that there is anything different and you feel smug and pompous because you have the "Truth" and other people do not and you also tend to feel that way when others are disfellowshipped or disassociated. I must admit that I have even shunned a few in my day, something that I now regret. Well I am all over that now and although it was hard to break away psychologically, I am so glad that I did.
Make your own religion !!!
by Tin Man inthink about how very nice it would be to have your own religion, and the tax advantages would be ahsome, hell you could even join the un.. if you got the right agruement you can get people to blive almost anything you say, and give you money and hear them sing so pretty, and possibly even make money on their singing like the mormon tabenacal chore.. anyone else got an sweal ides about the best religion to have that offers fun for change.. tin man
Hi Tin Man - You may have said that in jest, but actually
religion is one of the biggest money makers in the world. I agree with you that people are ready to believe almost anything (just look at the stuff the WY gets you to believe) and people are willing to pay you to tell them what they want to hear. Remember the old tent revivals? Those tings make a pile of money and they went around from city to city just ranking in the money. Elmer Gantry syndrome. -
What did you look like in high school?
by butalbee inok, this is me, in my freshman yr. check out the hair.... .
I had a very tall beehive. Csn't imagine what I was thinking!
Just a thought
by chezza inhas anyone given any thought to the fact that jw's are supposed to be a loving organization and yet they are probably the biggest gossipers around, time and time again there were talks given on not gossiping and how the tongue such a little member can cause huge bush fires, i personally know of many that were stumbled away because of gossip that was untrue, any thoughts on this guys.
Have you ever noticed when JW's are doing street work together. They are so ingrossed in what I suppose is gossip that sometimes they pay no attention to those around them. They are talking, laughing and having a high old time. In all fairness anyone who gets up at 8 o'clock in the morning to stand on a street corner with WT's needs a little distraction so I can't blame them. The organization is a whole little world unto itself and everybody knows someone that someone else knows and so its easy to gossip. Its actually so common that its hard to stop.
Can You Believe this crap?
by Farkel inwhen caught red handed with 10 years of signed documents where your leaders swore to uphold and promote the interests of the very organization you have vilified as satan's instrument, you now say, "i don't see that as a sin.
because you were caught?
also, if the proof is only "supposed," then where's a solid rebuttal to that proof without the ad hominems and red herrings?.
Hi Derrick - Whether they knew or not that they were required to become an NGO in order to obtain a library card is not the point. The point is that they DID join and that gave every indication that they were aware that by joining that were giving allegiance to the UN and its policies. Something that regular JW's would be disfellowshipped for. I live in New York City and we all now that all UN books and information are eventually given to the central library on 42nd street and to other libraries around the city. There was no reason for them to even set foot in the UN. I am not surprised at their duplicity, and now they are exploiting the poor JW's who died in Hitler's concentration camps to get money for their organization. Ubelievable!
Do you celebrate Holidays after you leave?
by Lalis inhi everyone im new in here i was just curios does anyone here after leaving the j.w.
organization celebrate any holidays without a problem?
or attend birthday parties and stuff like that without it bothering you?i know i dont have a problem with it.i dont celebrate any major holidays but thats because after so many years not doing it i would feel weird doing it now but i dont have a problem being invited to a gathering that has to do with any of the above.
Absolutely! I celebrate them all. Christmas, birthdays, Thanksgiving, the works... Never had so much fun and the kids are thrilled too.
56 and Single
by Dutchie ini have an aunt who is 56 years old and has never been married nor has she ever had any children.
she has been a jw all her life and she even turned down a scholarship to columbia university to special pioneer where the need was great.
she has had medical problems recently and cannot pioneer any more.
I have an aunt who is 56 years old and has never been married nor has she ever had any children. She has been a JW all her life and she even turned down a scholarship to Columbia University to Special Pioneer where the need was great. She has had medical problems recently and cannot pioneer any more. Unfortunatey, pioneering was her whole life and now she is alone and without a mate or children.
What she wants now more than anything is to get married. She is "throwing herself" at one of the elders in her congregation. She invites him over for dinner every Sunday after the meeting she buys him presents to show "appreciate for all the hard work he does in the congregation". She always seems to have a problem in her apartment that he must come look at. Its absolutely embarrassing. He is 42 years old to her 56. She does not care. She just wants a husband and she has set her sights on him. I wish her luck. He would have to be an idiot not to realize what she is doing, but he acts as if he does not know.
Its hard for ever younger sisters to find a mate in the JW's and at her age is doubly hard. I can't help wishing that she had not given her whole life to the JW's and made some life for herself when she was younger. I look at her now and see another casualty of WT rules and regulations, because she always said that she was saving marriage and children until After Armegeddon.
by JUSTAMOM inhello to everyone today.
some of you asked why in the world we go to the kingdom hall to partake of the emblems at memorial when we don't believe in them anymore?
was it just to cause an irritation?
I completely understand how you feel. Its such a shame that we cannot express disagreement with the JW's and still maintain relations with our family and friends who are still trapped in that organization.