I'm happified every time I look at your face, Farkel. Happified is a good word.
JoinedPosts by mimimimi
Words JW's use NOT found in the Bible
by homeschool inso the word "trinity" is not used in the bible...one of the many jw reasons to not believe in the trinity.
what are some words that jehovah's witnesses use that are also not in the bible?.
My Step-Son Called at 2 AM and Threaten Physical Harm
by Yizuman inlast night he called at 2 am, woke my wife up, she answered the phone.
he was drunk, yelling and threatening to break into our house and physically harm me because i had his sorry ass thrown out for punching my stomach and destroyed our property while drunk on that day on july 8th.. she hit the flasher button (strobe light attached to a remote thingy that is activated by a remote button) and woke me up.
i go to her room and find her crying.
My oldest son is drug-addicted and alcoholic and I have had some of this behavior out of him in the past. My heart goes out to you and your wife having to deal with this. Have you thought about an unlisted number? Then he at least could not call and get your wife upset in the middle of the night. It was good you called the police and made a report. You could also consider getting an order of protection. There is no guarantee he would respect it, but if he did come and try something his legal consequences would be a lot more severe.
I hope he gets into recovery. But whether he does or does not, you and your wife might be helped by Al-Anon. It is a 12 step program for people whose lives are affected by their loved ones who are alcoholic. It helped me a great deal in years past. Just a thought.
Best wishes to you and your wife.
Concern for Paris Jackson.............
by iknowall558 inmark lester is claiming to be the biological father of paris jackson, but has expressed his concern about the kids "being pushed into becoming jehovah's witnesses, the strict religion favoured by granny katherine.
his worry grew after spotting a photograph of paris clutching a witness book.
""michael would have hated it," he said.
Godfather, no less. How very sad that Katharine Jackson was the person Michael chose to raise his children. I hope Mark Lester goes to court on this and is able to be an influence in their lives.
easier to leave...born ins or joined later???...i know the answer........
by oompa inwell at least i know it from my own friends and geographic region........... but i will wait to hear your response....i am fourth gen btw...and unfortunately birthed.... and did a good job at raising a fifth dammit....oompa.
I was born in, but back in my teens I really wanted something different. I becamse a regular pioneer because I wanted to do something to help people, but that was not what I really wanted to do. My family was looked down upon in the congregation because we were poor and no matter what I did, I never felt good enough. I finally got mad and rebelled and ended up disfellowshipped for eight years. I wanted nothing to do with it during that time. Then when I was pregnant with my second child, I worked in an office where they had news radio on all day and I heard about bad things going on in the world. Then I read in Newsweek about pollution and I remember being particularly impressed that even aquifers were becoming polluted. I started to read the Bible and pray and ended up going back to the JW's.
I then spent a little over 20 years back in the cult, but was never happy with it. I used to think, I wish this was not the truth. Such a relief to find out it was not. On one level, leaving it was relatively easy since I had an unbelieving husband and children. On another level, I had to go through the fear of being caught, fear of elders showing up at my door, fear of running into JW's. That finally passed and though I am friendly when I run into a JW, I am no longer afraid of what will be said. I have not wanted to get disfellowshipped because I have family still in and they still associate with me. But should that happen, I can live with it.
I am now being shunned by many of the JW's I see when I am out and that is fine with me. Others will still talk and hug me, but the encouragement is there to come back, which I just gloss over. I think it was easier for me than some to leave just because of my family situation.
I also think converts sometimes take a more hard-core approach to the religion because they knew something different before and had to convince themselves that what they knew before was wrong and this was right, so it is harder to leave it for them. Not always, though. Probably this is a more individual thing depending on your circumstances.
Do/did you like to read Daily Text?
by Albert Einstein ini hated it.
we actually never really did.. once, on vacations, we were with another family, they prepared food on the table for breakfast .... and then nobody could touch it for some 15 minutes, when daddy was reading daily text and asking childish questions ... family members were raising hands and answering .... we all were hungry... watching the food ... and hoping it will soon be over (i dont mean armageddon, i mean daily text...) i felt just like an idiot..... albert.
When I was a kid, my mother made sure we read the Daily Text together every day. It was like a punishment to us, just as the family Bible study was, never pleasant. I referred to it as the "Daily Hex" to my sisters and brother. My mother would have shit a gold brick if she ever heard me refer to it that way.
In adulthood, I tried very hard to be a good JW and do all that was expected, impossible task, of course, but for long periods of time I would read the Daily Hex every day, but I did not like it. When I joined Al-Anon, I starting reading their daily books every day and what a big difference! There was some actual spirituality and practical help, very positive reading and inspirational - throw that Daily Hex in the trash! It could not begin to compare with the other things I was reading.
Snakes will soon be writing a DA letter
by SnakesInTheTower invery interesting thread atjeff started about whether to fade or not.
(to fade or not to fade...an opinion) thought i would start a new thread with my thoughts, but not hijack his.. here are my thoughts on my own situation which may or may not reflect anyone else's situation.
sunday is our family day.
Good for you!
did you find JW's expected products/services for free from other JW's?
by highdose injust wondering if i'm the only one whose experianced this?.
Sounds like a typical JW experience. They are very much like that. I am so glad I am out of that organization!
did you find JW's expected products/services for free from other JW's?
by highdose injust wondering if i'm the only one whose experianced this?.
There was a brother in one of the local congregations who did beautiful woodworking and made beautiful cabinets, hutches, etc. An elder and his wife in his congregation thought he should make some things for them for free.
My husband (never a JW) and I made the mistake once of renting a house to a JW. Once she was moved in, there were all kinds of things she decided the house needed and that we needed to spend money on including a bathroom remodel. At the same time, her JW friends tore up the yard driving in it and tore up a door. We finally had to invite her to find other lodging.
My own brother has been expected to work on cars for congregation members for free. He works shiftwork and would be expected to spend time he should be sleeping doing for other people. His wife was a part of that. She was always volunteering his labor.
I think there is very much an expectation among JW's that others in the congregation can do for them.
Further Punishements
by passwordprotected inpraise gathering 2009 is taking place in glasgow this weekend.
we've been given tickets to tonight's concert as a gift.
to explain, praise gathering is a concert with a full orchestra and 400 singers.
Reniaa, honey, you are the one worshiping a "False God" called the Watchtower Society. Give it a rest, would ya?
I'm Craving Head Cheese
by snowbird init's also called souse.. there was a show on radio this morning about farm life, and a caller told how it's done.. my mother used to make a big container for xmas.. i'm really waxing nostalgic here.. sylvia.
I love head cheese. I don't eat it often, but once in a while I get a couple of slices at the deli and enjoy. My mom made great head cheese.
I used to eat pickled pigs feet when I was a kid. It was a treat for us. Don't think I would care to eat it now.
When I was a kid, I loved cold cow tongue sandwiches with mustard. If you grew up with this kind of food, it is not repulsive to you as it is to someone who did not grow up with it. We used to have oxtail soup, too, which I absolutely loved! and neck bones with beans.
Love this thread!