Do you have proof that demons do not exist? Then why do you believe the don't?
JoinedPosts by By_Blood_Immortal
Question: Demons
by ladybug25 ingrowing up, i remember hearing stories from my own parents and others in the congregation about experiences with demons.
sister x wore a t-shirt that she purchased at a second hand store and the demons attached themselves to the shirt and gave her problems.
certain movies and/or cds would give a family problems.
Where in the Bible does it say man has free will?
by lovelylil ini was doing some research on another topic and this scripural point kept coming up - jesus said "no one comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him" this word draw means to "entice" or "attract".
in light of this statement, does this mean we actually do not have free will to decide to serve christ?
for it says we cannot do so unless drawn by god.
Question: Demons
by ladybug25 ingrowing up, i remember hearing stories from my own parents and others in the congregation about experiences with demons.
sister x wore a t-shirt that she purchased at a second hand store and the demons attached themselves to the shirt and gave her problems.
certain movies and/or cds would give a family problems.
unfortunately for all of you, you know nothing of demons. I have BEEN to Haiti. I've seen it first hand.
Shadrach is one of the most respected missionaries in Haiti. He has lead countless people out of their Satan worshipping. Alright, stop the jaguar story, you are obviously missing the point. What is more impossible to believe, that a guy followed two jaguars or that there is a God? Think about that for a moment. You are believing in something you have never seen. You have seen people do idiotic things. Would you have been happy if I said "o this guy was walking down the street and saw some animals talking in an abandoned hut". You would have all said "o ur lying. That isn't real. jaguars don't go into abandoned huts etc." Unfortunately, you have an unreliable source telling you a tale that seems to tall to believe. I have the pleasure of knowing whom I have believed and actually speaking with him. I trust him like I trust my mom. If he says it happened, I believe him. That doesn't necessarily make it true, no. But I still believe him. In short, obviously the story is not helping anyone so just drop it. I'm sick of being called a liar and having Shadrach accused of being drugged.
Constantine was a well made movie with a horrible plot. I mean Satan has a son named Mammon? Really, what I want to know is... how can someone that does not exsist have a son?:P No but really, over all it was a dumb movie with dumb a dumb religious thesis. I bought the movie for $4 and regret it.
Question: Demons
by ladybug25 ingrowing up, i remember hearing stories from my own parents and others in the congregation about experiences with demons.
sister x wore a t-shirt that she purchased at a second hand store and the demons attached themselves to the shirt and gave her problems.
certain movies and/or cds would give a family problems.
If two animals were acting as abnormal as that, wouldn't you be slightly curious as well? and yes I am sure.
Question: Demons
by ladybug25 ingrowing up, i remember hearing stories from my own parents and others in the congregation about experiences with demons.
sister x wore a t-shirt that she purchased at a second hand store and the demons attached themselves to the shirt and gave her problems.
certain movies and/or cds would give a family problems.
I talked to the man who saw it. His name was Shadrach. He was walking to a village and he noticed a couple of jaguars walking down the road together. He knew jaguars did not normally do this, that they were usually secluded animals so he followed. He saw a bunch of animals walk into a hut and hid behind a bush. Then he heard them start talking to one another. He heard them talking in Haitian and was so shocked, he immediately ran back.
does anyone know the story of Haiti? I will assume no.
Most text books, like the ones I have, state that Haiti was under French rule and Africans were brought over as slaves. This is all true. Then the slaves were lead out of their slavery by a man named François-Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture. Long story short, they were all out of slavery after the revolution.
Alright, this is going to sound REALLY REALLY bad. Like one of those stories you see in the magazine in line at the grocery, "Jonah's Bones Found Inside of a Whale." But this is what really happened.
The Haitians had such a hard time in slavery they prayed to SATAN (THE DEVIL, LUCIFER, or whatever you want to call him) to free them from slavery. Well, needless to say, Satan is going to take all the free souls he can get so he freed them. The promised to worship him and no other for 200 years. This is the only religion the Haitians have so they continue in it. Their leading religious men are voodoo witch doctors. I am not positive about this next statement, but I think they are possessed by demons. but I know for certain that they are given powers by Satan.
My friend was in Haiti and he and some missionaries were driving around in a village. There were Haitians all over burning fires. Then a voodoo witch doctor came up and put a curse on one of the members. The person immediatly got sick and broke out in fever. The next day one of the veteran missionaries came and told the witch to take the curse off. She refused pledging her allegiance to Satan. The missionary cut off her head with a machete and the missionary on which the curse was placed was healed.
Where in the Bible does it say man has free will?
by lovelylil ini was doing some research on another topic and this scripural point kept coming up - jesus said "no one comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him" this word draw means to "entice" or "attract".
in light of this statement, does this mean we actually do not have free will to decide to serve christ?
for it says we cannot do so unless drawn by god.
first of all God does not "predict". Predict means to make an educated guess. God does not guess he knows. Second, nonody said anything about God judging unborn babies. But for the sake of argument. Seeing as how God knows omniscient, assuming you even believe in God because, quite frankly, I have no idea what you believe, He knows EVERYTHING. He is not confined to what has happened and what will happen, He knows what could have happened, and what would have happened had somebody made a different choice. For example, had that mother not gotten an abortion this baby would have... God knows what they would have done had they been given an opportunity.
Where in the Bible does it say man has free will?
by lovelylil ini was doing some research on another topic and this scripural point kept coming up - jesus said "no one comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him" this word draw means to "entice" or "attract".
in light of this statement, does this mean we actually do not have free will to decide to serve christ?
for it says we cannot do so unless drawn by god.
just to let you know, I believe in predestination. I was just telling you that your point was invalid.
Question: Demons
by ladybug25 ingrowing up, i remember hearing stories from my own parents and others in the congregation about experiences with demons.
sister x wore a t-shirt that she purchased at a second hand store and the demons attached themselves to the shirt and gave her problems.
certain movies and/or cds would give a family problems.
Let's go without the Bible. There are still people who have seen demon possession. How wlse would you explain the fact that jaguars, birds, and panthers went into an abandoned hut in Haiti and started speaking to one another in HUMAN language?
As for this being metaphorical, would you care to explain for what you think this is a metaphor? I do not beleive this is a metaphor because how can a demon entering into pigs be a metaphor? seemns pretty literal to me.
Where in the Bible does it say man has free will?
by lovelylil ini was doing some research on another topic and this scripural point kept coming up - jesus said "no one comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him" this word draw means to "entice" or "attract".
in light of this statement, does this mean we actually do not have free will to decide to serve christ?
for it says we cannot do so unless drawn by god.
This is not true. God has knowledge of what is going to happen, does not mean he causes it. that is part of the arguement of "Predestination vs. Freewill".
Both sides recgonize that one way or the other, God knows what is going to happen. Free will because of foreknowledge, him knowing but not causing, and Predestination because God caused all those things to happen.
Who is Jesus? Is he God?
by BelieverInJesus ini live in memphis.
months ago, i had some jw's come by and talk with me.
i'm a believer in the holy bible.
Does this mean that Jesus was "God" as in Jehovah? God is often used in a personal way, as a quazi proper name. Here it is not used that way, but rather it refers to a position that Jesus held over Thomas. Jesus was "god" to Thomas, but this does not make him God as in the Almighty. There is a necessary distinction that must be draw, for the word QEOS (god) carries with it different senses.
Yes I do mean that Jesus was "God" as in Jehovah. A well formed point, but if this were the case, the word "God" would be lower case, which it clearly is not.
----------------------------- Since Jesus was given the authority to resurrect the dead. The spirit is the life force, for force that animates the body. For Jesus to resurrect one it is necessary for him to return that life force to the person, and so Stephen trusts him with it.
I do believe that the prophet Elisha resurrected a boy from the dead, should we commit our spirits to him? He was obviously given the authority to resurrect the dead.