My earliest and one of my worst JW memories had to be spending the night sleeping in the back of our car on the side of the highway! I was about 4 at the time.
My mom was driving us home from NY. We had just attended a JW assembly at Yankee Stadium. Anyway, our car broke down on the turnpike. Mom had very little money, no credit cards and of course this was in the days before cell phones! So five of us kids and mom spent the whole night sleeping on the side of the road! I seem to recall that it was raining hard too.
The next morning one of my older brothers and mom walked along the side of the highway looking for some kind of phone. They eventually got in touch with my uncle and he came and picked us up.
The funniest part (at least for me at the time) was that in the morning my oldest brother discovered that the lemonade thermos had accidentally opened during the night and his new shoes were soaked! He proceeded to say an expletive, and mom whirled around and clocked him in the head!