Hi jhine, your questions are natural given the limited information I provided and I certainly don't think you are confrontational.
I was not familiar with the details of this case but did know it concerned an allegation in 2006. My post was a response to Biahi's statement that they were liars in saying to the IICSA that their current policy is mandatory reporting "if a kid is in danger".
The case against the two elders for not reporting the abuse was scheduled for July 28 this year but the State requested it be postponed until September 23. So, we will know more then whether anyone cared and whether they acted responsibly. However, I have managed to piece together some details of the case from reports in the Chicago Tribune on 23 October 2019 and 20 December 2019.
I should note that what happened to this little girl over a period of nearly thirteen years is chilling and heart-wrenching, but in answering the question about the time it took for the elders to report the abuse we have to ask what they knew and when they knew it. According to the girl's testimony the abuse by a family member started in 2005 when she was 6. At some point she told her mother of the abuse and on 27 July 2006 the elders of the congregation were informed. They intervened and the abuse stopped for a short time. But soon the assaults started up again and escalated. The perpetrator threatened her that if she ever reported the assaults again he would kill her, her mother and her brother. I understand from the newspaper account that she didn't report the ongoing abuse to anyone again until October 2018 which was when the elders reported it to the police.
How could no-one know what was going on. There are two paragraphs in the October 2019 newspaper report which explain it :
Hernandez-Pedraza’s attorney, Assistant Public Defender Angelo
Mourelatos, told jurors in opening statements that the girl at one point
lived in the basement of a home with 10 people and no one reported
seeing or hearing anything.
The girl later moved to an apartment with her family but said the
assaults continued and intensified. She said the assaults occurred in
the daytime when no one else was home and many times, as she got older,
Hernandez-Pedraza made her take a pregnancy test.
In trying to understand the course the elders took I am not minimising the gravity of any form of abuse of a 6-year-old girl. But the elders claim that while the "most serious" acts occurred between 2013 and 2018, they knew nothing beyond the initial allegation they heard on 27 July 2006.
So, it isn't a case of the elders knowing of ongoing abuse for thirteen years and not reporting it to the authorities, but one where they immediately took action within the congregation when they first heard of it in 2006 and believed the abuse had ended. That doesn't let anyone off the hook but it makes it more understandable on a human level.