JoinedTopics Started by Earnest
Flee to the Mountains......What Mountains?
by liam inmay 2025 study article 21 seek the city that will remain.
what i remember was, when you see the romans, flee to the mountains.
now the wt is saying that's not enough.
Further Crisis looming for JW org re Safeguarding ?
by Phizzy inif you substitute j.w org for c of e this really hits home : (from bbc news site) :.
the church of england risks further crisis if it fails to adopt a sweeping new independent system to keep people safe, the former head of a national inquiry into child sexual abuse has said.
(prof. alexis jay).. "i think it's absolutely necessary because church safeguarding as it stands falls below the standards of secular organisations, and i do not think that can continue when it has also led to such serious weaknesses," she told the bbc..
G.B. via NWT hijacks the kingdom for themselves!
by BoogerMan in(daniel 7:27) "then the kingdom, authority, and greatness of the kingdoms under all of heaven will be delivered to the people of the holy ones of the most high.
his kingdom is an eternal kingdom; all authorities will serve him and obey him.
" (net bible).
Who is "the Christ" in 1927 per Rutherford
by blondie inn 1926, rutherford reinterpreted the faithful slave from a single person to a group of people.
thus the interpretation had come full circle, but this time the servant included jesus as well as the 144,000. so "the christ" is jesus alone, jesus and member of his body collectively as one, or applied only to the members of the body of christ yet on earth.
three different things.... "seeing then that the servant of jehovah is the christ, and that the christ is composed of jesus and the faithful members of his body, we find it proper to apply the term "servant" to jesus christ alone or to jesus christ and the members of his body collectively as one; and sometimes it is applied only to the members of the body of christ yet on earth.
Any information about the special worldwide meeting update and a GB member visit in South Africa?
by iloowy.goowy indoes any one have any information about the special worldwide meeting update and a gb member visit in south africa yesterday?.
Child abuse calculations
by Anony Mous inthere are no real numbers for jws but they are a relatively small group.
compared to the number of catholics at least.. the australian commission gathered more than 5000 cases with over 1000 perpetrators that went completely unreported for the jws.
likewise they did the same for catholics and collected just under 4800 cases with 1880 perpetrators.
Age Appropriate Friends
by Riley inwe have a 25 year guy in our hall who is also a pioneer (which means he lives off his parents money), who likes to spend a lot of time with a 16 year old girl in the hall.
it is usually in a group setting but he seems to gravitate toward her.
he even has her auxilary pioneering , which is something i don't think any student trying to make the grades needs.
1922 Cedar Point Ohio Convention
by Nambo ini recall reading that daniel 12 verse 12 ( 12 blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.
), was claimed to have been fulfilled by the cedar point ohio convention in 1922.. can anybody recall which publications this claim was published in please?.
or even better, a screen shot.
Jolene Chu and Ollimatti Peltonen publication
by careful injust published in cambridge university press's elements in new religious movements series, a short book or oversized pamphlet is now available by two witnesses, jolene chu from warwick and ollimatti peltonen from the selters branch.
it's small, just 84 pages, including the bibliography.
Interesting bit of Watch Tower history
by vienne intwo images of allegheny city and a challenge.
see https://truthhistory.blogspot.com/ the newest post.