There was a thread in October on the Annual Meeting.
JoinedPosts by Earnest
Recent Annual Meeting - Asking for Clarification
by truth_b_known inwould someone in the know please clarify for me some alleged comments given from the governing body at the recent/yet to be streamed for the rank and file annual meeting?.
it is my understanding that samuel herd basically tells the rank and file that old light is new light and the new light of july, 2013 is now old light.
to be specific, herd states that the official stance on whether or not the annointed remaining on earth, to include the governing body, will all be in heaven prior to armageddon.. at this same annual meeting tony morris iii tells those in attendance that stephen letts' statement that "we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days!
Child pornography should NOT be automatically handled by a judicial committee
by pistolpete innew information added to the "shepherd the flock elder's book" .
they have updated their policy on viewing child pornography.. from a congregation standpoint it is not viewed as child sex abuse and is something that should not be automatically handled by a judicial committee.
it states that a person viewing child pornography should be strongly counseled.
hoser : I would think other countries have their own laws.
Correct. Wikipedia shows legal/illegal status by country.
In the UK all forms of child pornography (real or fictional) including possession is illegal. This includes real and fictional "indecent pseudo-photographs of a child", who is defined as anyone under the age of 18. The argument that you can legally view child porn on the internet without downloading it is a fiction because the action of viewing it automatically downloads it and you are guilty of possession while it remains there. Just don't do it.
Request----Federal Post Office Inspector!
by Atlantis inatlantis:.
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
Bill Covert : So did the GB come to a come to Jesus moment and decide out of the goodness of their hearts forgive those loan?
Probably not. But they may well have concluded that expecting the congregants to continue to pay a loan for a building which was no longer theirs (after the transfer of ownership to the Kingdom Hall Trust) would be a pill too hard to swallow for many.
To say that the "main evidence of wickedness" is based on "elementary deduction" is not evidence at all.
Request----Federal Post Office Inspector!
by Atlantis inatlantis:.
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
Bill Covert : The main evidence of wickedness is the forgiving of K. H. loans, as the government put a cease and desist on the loan program.
Hi Bill, can you provide any further information (documentation) regarding this "cease and desist on the loan program" ?
Dr. Bart Ehrman Live Webinar Did Jesus Call himself God?
by Diogenesister inthere's a live webinar with dr. ehrman on the subject of the divinity of jesus.
folks will be able to put questions directly to dr. bart, the cost is $14.00 with the webinar covering the following topics:.
• soon after jesus’ death, his disciples claimed that he was god .
Disillusioned JW, in his commentary on the Book of Acts, 1988, F.F. Bruce writes (p.368) :
Chrestus (Gk. xrestos,"useful") was a common name in the Graeco-Roman world, especially among slaves, and appears as a variant spelling for the unfamiliar Christus (xristos). (In Greek the two words were pronounced alike.)
This gives some credence to the suggestion of Hugh J. Schonfield to an alternative reading of Philippians 1:21 but it is unlikely. One of the principles of textual criticism is that the more difficult reading is the stronger, and the perplexing text "to live is Christ, and to die is gain" has no variants in the manuscript tradition.
However, the fact that the two words were pronounced alike may explain why sometimes non-Christians used the term chrestus. So, Tertullian writes "Concerning the Odious Title of Christian" :
But Christian, so far as the meaning of the word is concerned, is derived from anointing. Yes, and even when it is wrongly pronounced by you “Chrestianus” (for you do not even know accurately the name you hate), it comes from sweetness and benignity.
I understand your separating yourselves from the Org...BUT~
by Revealed in...why have you left the god and his son?.
truth_b_known : Does Jesus' ransom sacrifice apply to Neanderthals or just Homo Sapiens?
The 1985 book “Life – How did it get here? By evolution or by creation?” says in chapter 7 (“’Ape-Men’ – What were they?”), para.34
Neanderthal man … was undoubtedly human. … Since [the first Neanderthal fossil was found], many Neanderthal fossils have been found, confirming that he was not much different from modern humans.
If Adam was the first human then Neanderthals must be his descendants and inherit sin like us. However, that assumption does raise a number of questions as to the time of creation and the genetic differences between homo neanderthalensis and homo sapiens.
Dr. Bart Ehrman Live Webinar Did Jesus Call himself God?
by Diogenesister inthere's a live webinar with dr. ehrman on the subject of the divinity of jesus.
folks will be able to put questions directly to dr. bart, the cost is $14.00 with the webinar covering the following topics:.
• soon after jesus’ death, his disciples claimed that he was god .
Disillusioned JW, I am somewhat surprised that you give such credence to the Cista Mystica website. The link you provide on the origins of Christianity says the following :
There is no evidence of Jesus, Christ, Christianity or Christians until after the end of the Western Roman Empire. The whole, claimed history for Christianity is late, first appearing - according to the accepted dates - in the 6th century, though the actual date may be as late as the 8th century (in response to the Arab Conquests).
The original New Testament (codices Vaticanus and Sinaiticus) is not Christian - it makes no mention of Jesus or Christ, and one of its books - The Shepherd of Hermas - was later removed.
There is nothing true in the above statements. How can you possibly take it seriously?
The whole premise seems to be based on a correction made to the spelling of one word in one manuscript at Acts 26:28, ignoring the readings in Vaticanus and the papyri predating Sinaiticus which do not misspell Christian.
Dr. Bart Ehrman Live Webinar Did Jesus Call himself God?
by Diogenesister inthere's a live webinar with dr. ehrman on the subject of the divinity of jesus.
folks will be able to put questions directly to dr. bart, the cost is $14.00 with the webinar covering the following topics:.
• soon after jesus’ death, his disciples claimed that he was god .
I was quite happy to pay what he asked and found the talk worthwhile. The subject was "Did Jesus Think He Was God?" and he approached the question from an historical rather than a theological standpoint. In other words, he did not address the theological question whether Jesus is God but the historical question whether that is what Jesus thought.
He first established that the gospels are historical documents which were written in the first century, but that with all historical documents we have to determine what is fact and what is the opinion of the author. He then considered the four gospels, Acts, the writings of Paul, and whatever (oral or written) reports they relied on when recording what Jesus said.
He asserted that it is only in the Gospel of John that Jesus claims to be God. He suggested John 8:58, 59 and John 10:30, 31 were both instances when the Jews thought Jesus was claiming divinity, and also mentioned Thomas' "My Lord and my God" response in John 20:28. So he thinks Jesus claims divinity in the gospel of John.
But then he says, what about the other historical documents, all of which were written before John's gospel. None of them have Jesus claiming divinity, or even implying it to the extent that the Jews would stone him for blasphemy. He says from an historical viewpoint this doesn't make sense. Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, Paul all report various things that Jesus said, but they don't report him claiming or suggesting that he is God. It is inconceivable that out of all the historical documents only one reports something of such importance. For this reason he concludes that Jesus neither said nor thought he was God or divine, and that John created those scenes to express his own theology.
Whether or not you agree with Bart Ehrman, remember that this is looking at the evidence as an historian and weighing the documents in the same way an historian would weigh any other historical documents to determine whether they were true or not.
SBF : As he was talking about how Jesus viewed himself I did not ask the question on the view of early Christians. However, he did compare John 1 and Genesis 1 (which both start "In the beginning ...") and linked "the Word" with "God said ..." which showed the Word was an agent of creation. Then, again, that was John expressing his theology.
God's Name (not 'Their') reveled at last!
by Revealed in
Revealed : Didn't know that.
That is understandable as you only started posting in the last 24 hours. There is a 'Search' function on the top right-hand corner of the page which you can use to check whether a topic has been posted before.
God's Name (not 'Their') reveled at last!
by Revealed in