waton : Conversed with F .Franz, Br. Friend, ...
Sea Breeze : Waton, can you [clear] something up? Was Bro. Franz also called Br. Friend? If so, why?
Sea Breeze, on the offchance that waton doesn't see your query, Br. Friend was a translator, a traveling speaker, a director of Biblical dramas over radio station WBBR, and one of the founding instructors of Gilead where he taught Public Bible Speaking and Bible Research for seventeen years. He also voiced many of the characters in convention dramas in later years. His life story is in the April 15, 1967 Watchtower, pp.249-255 A Theatrical Spectacle to the World, Both to Angels and to Men and his obituary is in the June 1, 1983 Watchtower, p.30 Graduating to a Higher Assignment.