I can go into some detail about the "evidence" for Polycarp's Letter to the Phillipians.
Nine late Greek manuscripts are extant, all of them belong to the same family and all lack chapters 10-14. These are :
- codex Vaticanus 859 (11th-13th century)
- codex Ottobonianus 348 (14th-16th century)
- codex Laurent. vii. 21 (15th-16th century)
- codex Parisiensis Graec. 937 (16th century)
- codex Casanatensis G. v. 14 (15th century)
- codex Barberinus 7
- codex Neapolitanus II. A. 17 (15th century)
- codex Salmasianus
- codex Andrius
For chapters 10-14 we are reliant on a Latin translation of which we have nine manuscripts:
- Codex Reginensis 81 (11th century)
- codex Trecensis 412 (12th century)
- codex Paris. Bibl. Nat. 1639 (12th century)
- codex Bruxellensis 5510 (12th century)
- codex Oxon. Balliolensis 229 (12th century)
- codex Palatinus 150 (15th century)
- codex Laurent. xxiii. Cod. 20 (15th century)
- codex Vindobonensis 1068 (14th century)
- codex Oxon. Magdalenensis 76 (15th century)
That's it. Eighteen extant manuscripts and nothing earlier than the 11th century.