ThomasMore, I have seen no evidence that "they seek to shield pedophiles who might cut a deal with prosecutors by naming other pedos" or "WTC fears that they will rat others out and the bread crumbs will lead back to Bethel". I think that's ridiculous. The instructions in Shepherd the Flock of God, April 2022, 14.4 are :
... the congregation will not shield any perpetrator of [child sexual abuse] from the consequences of his sin. The congregation’s handling of an accusation of child sexual abuse is not intended to replace the secular authority’s handling of the matter. (Rom. 13:1-4) Therefore, the victim, her parents, or anyone else who reports such an allegation to the elders should be clearly informed that they have the right to report the matter to the secular authorities. Elders do not criticize anyone who chooses to make such a report.—Gal. 6:5
Why are the elders not instructed to make such a report themselves? Sometimes they are, as they have to call the Legal Department when they learn of an accusation of child abuse. But when it is not required by law, there are other considerations. Note what the Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (released in October 2022) said in its discussion on striking the balance in mandatory reporting (F.6.80-85) :
85 In the delicate balance between the need to provide an individual child with confidential advice and support (whether medical, psychological, legal or social) and ensuring child sexual abuse is prevented, it is essential to recognise that there are some circumstances where privacy ought to be protected and some where prevention is paramount. One important example is in the context of consensual, non-abusive relationships between young people.